Sweetest thing u've ever been told

  • Liz
    16 years ago

    Whats the sweetest thing u've ever been told or heard

    i cant even pick one
    my hearts been touched to the deepest part a few times

  • she
    16 years ago

    I dont want you to die

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    16 years ago

    Hmmm...now that is a hard one just because my boyfriend has said so many to me. I would say all of them just because he tells me all the time what I mean to him that I mean the world just everything my boyfriend says to me.

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    16 years ago

    "i would never hurt you. your a beautiful piece of art."

  • Wolf Haines
    16 years ago

    After climbing a mountain during a storm that almost killed the three that continued to the top (me and two others), we came back down to have a guide tells us "Mmmm weather isnt as good as it could be is it Master Haines?". I just replied "No sir, bit damp." That was while paramedics checked me over. LMAO! Typical English understatement. love it.

  • Solus
    16 years ago

    There is greatness in you......please stay with me.

  • Xx Alone in my Quandary xX
    16 years ago

    That iam really funny..
    i know i appears to be cool and smart but deep inside iam toooooo much broken..!!!

  • mikxRawrr
    16 years ago

    Hes told me about a billion sweet things..but one would have to be..

    "You're not a mess.
    If you a mess, then
    your my mess. and i
    would want it any other way"

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    Well, the sweetest thing he ever said wasn't even really to me...

    we were at a fancy restaurant for our 10th anniversary (which was 10 years ago now!!)... there was this elderly couple sitting at the next table and they were watching us.... as they were leaving, she paused and said, "you two are simply lovely... are you on your honeymoon?"

    Without waiting even a second, my husband replied, "Yes!"... she said, "How sweet," then turned to me and aske dwhen our wedding was. Her eyes misted a bit when I said, "10 years ago!"