
  • Kuro
    16 years ago

    Ne, mina! watashi wa ben desu. poetry ga suki desu. ichi nen kan, poetry wo shimashita. jyouzu dewanai desu ne. demo, poetry gas suki desu.

    yoroshiku onegaishimasu.


    hello everyone, my name it Ben and i like poetry. i started writting last year. Even though i\'m not very good, i still like to write and read poetry.

    i suppose i could tell you something about me...but i would rather not because even amongst an internet community, i\'m not very outgoing. :(...but i am looking forward to reading some poetry and getting good advice on how to improve my own.

    oh btw: just incase you were wondering, i\'ve been studying japanese for 2 years (going on 3). if anyone else knows how to speak it, maybe you could help me practice...

    anyway... how is everyone?

  • Marc Ortiz
    16 years ago

    Hello ben xD I love the japanese culture rawr! Though I don't know how to speak japanese hahaha! xD

    16 years ago

    Erm.. I can only say one phrase in Japanese, and I can't say it on the site. rofl.


    My mom and dad used to speak it, though, because they were in Okinawa when they were in the military. Also, they got married there, too. :D My mom can no longer speak much of it, but my dad can.