The Hand of Kindness: THE GAME

  • Tsukuyomi
    16 years ago

    I thought this up last night at it seemed super good at the time. I hope I can explain it right.

    Once school starts I will be playing this game, its like this:

    You chose someone to do good deads for, that person picks a word with 8 letters such as "Hardware" or a seven letter word which will end in an exclimation point such as "Justice!". That person then writes it on your kunckles, a letter per main finger ( Not the thumb). When you do something good for that person they give you the ok to erase one letter, when the word is gone you've completed a phase. My goal is to get 100 phases. BUT I am going to have a special order.

    I will do 4 people I know in person, then someone over the computer. After the person on the computer I will do 8 good things for myself.I find this to me theraputic if it works how I plan. It gets you doing stuff for others and yourself over all making you a better person. The word itself can be anything long as its 7 or 8 letters long but try to keep it school appropriate, we dont want people getting suspended.

    If you want to play the game and keep me posted please just post the following:

    Your Name:
    Person Your Doing the Deads For:
    Your Relation: (Family, Friend, Computer Friend....)
    Word They Chose:
    Letters Left:

    To update us please dont make another post, edit the one you already made. ALSO if youd like to take my game and make it your own you MUST do the following: 1) Credit me for the games basic idea 2) Give a link to this thread.

    Ill try to make this more organized when I can.

  • Tsukuyomi
    16 years ago

    Feel free to chat all you want, but not in this thread xD This if for the game only, there is another thread clearly labled for chating.

    Your Name: [Joe ( Lawliet )]
    Person Your Doing The Deads For: [Danielle G.]
    Your Relation: [Close Friend - Real Life]
    Word They Chose: [Skeleton]
    Letters Left: [S.K.E.L.E.T.O.N]

  • yblehs
    16 years ago

    Your Name: SHelby
    Person Your Doing the Dead For: undecided [waiting for school
    Word They Chose: [wiating for school]
    Letters Left: [waiting for school]
    Your Relation: [idk yet]

  • Tsukuyomi
    16 years ago

    [Bumping this up so people don't have to go look for it]

  • Tsukuyomi
    16 years ago

    [Ug, Bump Again]

  • Siro aKa Gaara
    16 years ago

    Sounds like a great idea. I might try it sometime. Heres for the free bump ^__^

  • Tsukuyomi
    16 years ago

    Just bumping this up to restart it if anyone wants to do it...