Anyone out there.. finding it hard to stay true to God?

  • Andy loves Jesus
    16 years ago

    It's a huge mission. It takes a life time.. and it's incredibly hard to stay 100% true to every commandment God has put among us. I myself, feel like I'm stuck in this stupud sin.. that continues.. and it seems through out... my past 7 years.. I've sinned close to once a week.

    I can remember I time, that I thought i had sin all figured out... because I was doing soo well.. it felt like I hadn't sinned for.. 2 - 3 weeks.. and I kept track of this amazing streak of being VERY close to God.. that I tell you .. this is no lie. I'd wake up in the morning.. Every single morning God was the first thing on my mind. And he'd fill me with his presencse. And it was just incredible it was a walk in the park with him for 21 + days... Never thought the streak would end.. and from there a sinning streak would start. Things changed dramatically..
    Suddenly it was like God was far from me. I knew he was right with me.. But the sin was just holding us apart.. and though I'd ask for forgivness it still didn't feel like those good days when I'd wake up feeling his presence.

    I just want to challenge you all.. (If you believe in God.. if you don't but you want to know about him.. message me) If things aren't right with God.. right now.. as you are. Change.. WHATEVER you have to. Even if it's something hard like.. changing the way you think. Or finding another job.. maybe even hanging out with a different group of friends.. (dont ditch the ones your with now.. instead pray for them.. and accept them, no matter what they do.. that tempts you to do wrong.) Make time for God in your life EVERY SINGLE DAY!! God wants to be close to you.. he want your relationship with him to be the most important thing to you. Jesus too :)
    Theres alot more that we can do to change ourselves to be fixed on God's grace. Praying daily and reading the Bible too are huge connections that keep us strong through him.

    If anyone is struggleing with living their life for God.. you can PM me. I think it would be nice to keep in touch.. and ya know what.. KEEP EACHOTHER strong! Through Christ. I know I'm struggleing and I need God's presence to be the first thing I feel.. and think about when I wake up. I miss it soo badly. This can be a good discussion that we can share about God's love.. Even if you have an amazing story of God shining through your life. If you could just put that on here.. It'd be amazing :)

    Thanks for your time.. I know it's kinda long lol.

    God Bless!!! Love you all!!!

  • keithnwv
    16 years ago

    Being decendants of Adam, we all are going to sin. There is no way we cannot. Having accepted Christ as or savior, all we can do is be aware of our sins and ask forgivness for them. If we were able to not sin, Jesus would not have had to die on the cross for us.

  • keithnwv
    16 years ago

    The only man to ever walk the earth sinless was Jesus Christ.

    Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

  • Andy loves Jesus
    16 years ago

    Of course we're all gonna sin.. but we can, come clean through Jesus, and from then on, we could live our life without sin.. if we'd just give ourselves 100% to God and his glory! It can be done. But never think sin can't get you.. thats when you'll become over confident.. and sin will have advantage over you.

    But.. more importantly... we need to live the life God wants us to live.. and that is all our focus on his plans for us.. and his love for us too. We need be pure with him.. and he'll lead us where he wants us. It's something that takes your lifetime to do.. but it's preparing for eternity with him after we die :) It'd just be amazing.. we need to be prepared for it!! Because our time could be anyday.. anytime.. anywhere! We need God's love to light the way for us.

  • Lucifer
    16 years ago

    "But.. more importantly... we need to live the life God wants us to live.. and that is all our focus on his plans for us.. and his love for us too. We need be pure with him.. and he'll lead us where he wants us. It's something that takes your lifetime to do.. but it's preparing for eternity with him after we die :) It'd just be amazing.. we need to be prepared for it!! Because our time could be anyday.. anytime.. anywhere! We need God's love to light the way for us."

    Lol sorry but i almost pissed myself reading that.
    A few questions
    1) why is god always a "he" if we were created wouldnt have been by a woman (guess im going to hell for even thinking that.
    2) why waste time trying to please someone who never appeares but according to pycho's and sick minded freaks he's always speaking to them, telling them to murder and other disgrasful acts.
    3)why does religion beleive in talking bushes that are on fire and some guy walking on water yet they cant cope with the fact that two men can love each other.
    4) why is everything on earth a sin!...why would god put us on earth then make a ton of rules that stop us from enjoy the world he apparently created!!!

    And to clear things up these are questions im curious about im not attacking religion or anybody in particular so theres no need for some fanatic to come along and start mouthing off which is mostly whats happened when iv raised these questions in the past.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    We all sin, whether it's a tiny lie or something big. But that just shows that we are human, we make mistakes and slip every once in a while. But that's the reason god gave us a chance to repent and feel guilty for doing our sin. And let me tell you god is the most merciful and forgiving being in the universe, as long as you truly regret your sin and try to stop doing it god will be on your side.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    As for your questions Lucifer.
    1. God is a "he", but he isn't like men, he is a completly different being and he wasn't brought by a woman because he was there before time exsisted, he wasn't created.
    2. why waste time pleasing him, because everything you do for him eventually benifits you in one way or another.
    3. people believe these things are acts god done, and god is a superior being and can do anything he wants to do even jesus walking on water was done by god not jesus. as for gay people that comes from the people themselves not from god, only on some rare occations does it come from god, like when a person is born with a girls hermons, feelings ideas in a guys body. as for gays, they are fed up of looking for a girl so they go seek guys because they can cope better with them, and don't you know that sexual activities between people of the same sex can cause HIV.
    4. You are right, nearly everything on earth is a sin, but that is because it's not good for you, in my religeon drugs are considered a sin and everyone knows how bad drugs are for you, adultry affects people emotionally so it's a sin. Some sins are made into normal acts when you do something like in my religeon there is no sexual activity before marrige and that's good because with marrige you can secure your future with the person more than if you are just bf, gf and neither can get away eisily with any act that would ruin their relationship... Plus there are lots of kids nowadays who grow up without a father and that tells you why.

  • Lucifer
    16 years ago

    "and don't you know that sexual activities between people of the same sex can cause HIV"

    Maybe but that also is the same for men and women who sleep together so thats not rearly an answer, sex with anyone can give you STD.

    "as for gay people that comes from the people themselves not from god, only on some rare occations does it come from god,"

    This made me laugh, so from your logic humans, that god apparently created, that turn out homosexual are accidently made instead of by god.

    "Some sins are made into normal acts when you do something like in my religeon there is no sexual activity before marrige and that's good because with marrige you can secure your future with the person more than if you are just bf"

    Theres an easy answer to this, try closing your legs instead of opening for every guy that sweet talks you, or if you choose to have sex there are plenty of protection choices (condoms, pills ect)

    Its sad how ignorent and closed minded people are in this day of age, its people like you Dark Secret that inspire hate towards homosexuals, or i guess its the relegion your family had force fed you.
    I hope one day you grow up from hiding behind a false deity and open your mind to everything

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    "as for gay people that comes from the people themselves not from god, only on some rare occasions does it come from god, like when a person is born with a girls hormones, feelings ideas in a guys body. as for gays, they are fed up of looking for a girl so they go seek guys because they can cope better with them, and don't you know that sexual activities between people of the same sex can cause HIV."

    Funny your focus here was gay men, yet no mention of women, sounds like fear and ignorance to me. Just a little FYI HIV is also spread through heterosexual sex. Should we also start shunning the disabled community again? They are a sign of sin after all. Oh no wait, it was discovered that disabilities are not derived from sin, but instead genetic pitfalls. This is the kind of rant that turns me off those who dive into religion blindly.

  • Andy loves Jesus
    16 years ago

    We are to accept everyone.. no matter what they've done.. .. how they feel .. or how they are. Yeah, loving someone of your own sex is a sin. God made women and men, so could multiply in the world.. he made sex for that reason too. But let me tell you this.. he never created men to have sex with men.. or women to have sex with women. It is pointless to do so.. because it does not create new born children. It is for that very reason.. "to multiply" that he made the two types of sexs'.. And what I've just said is not ignorant.. it is how God planned it.

  • Paralyzed
    16 years ago

    We can only speak for ourselves, so as I see it, it is wrong for YOU to be gay because it goes against YOUR beliefs. That doesn't make it true for everyone.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    Calm down guys...
    Lucifer you asked for an answer and I answered it according to my beliefs, and my beliefs say that god said that a sin is a sin because it affects us badly in one way or another. and Paralysed I focused on gays because he said that religeos people don't accept people being gay. I know that diseases like HIV are caused not only by sexual activities between the same sex but also by opposite sexes, but that comes also from sin. Hey, and just because I stated all that about gays, doesn't mean I hate them or am against them, ya, I don't like the idea, but that doesn't mean I'll go against anyone who does. I do not believe that disabled people are a sign of sin, you are calling me ignorant yet you accuse me of things I didn't say.
    "Theres an easy answer to this, try closing your legs instead of opening for every guy that sweet talks you, or if you choose to have sex there are plenty of protection choices (condoms, pills ect)"
    ^But still, you can't be 100% sure even with all that.
    You may call me ignorant if you want, but I'm not stopping you from doing anything you want to do, I'm the one with a religeon not you... by the way we all have opinions you can't just call a person ignorant because you don't like their opinion.
    For your information, I wasn't "force fed religeon by my parents" I have my own ideas about religeon as do they... I don't believe in everything they believe in and neither do they. I practice religeon differently then they do, and listen to the lecturers I want to listen to... I wasn't force fed religeon, I chose it on my own will.
    As for being what you called "closed minded" you are the close minded one, I didn't go extremely against you and say that I was right and you were wrong... that's what you did. Being open minded means accepting that others have opinions and beliefs that are different that your opinions and beliefs, and I know what your beliefs are, I might be against them, but I'm not tottally closing them out of my world making them tottally impossible, which you did by saying I was forse fed religeon, which means that their is no chance in hell that people like me could be religeos by their own will.
    ... so sorry andy about turning this into a religeos war, and thanx for backing me up.

  • Andy loves Jesus
    16 years ago

    Something, alot of people get mixed up about Christains.. and that is.. that its just another religion.
    But honestly, Christainity is NO religion. It's a lifestyle and relationship with God, and his son Jesus.
    Another thing, that people get mixed up with.. is that some people call themselves Christains.. But they don't LIVE it! And that hurts God soo much..!
    Because their being a hypocrit... their preaching something that they don't live down! And its' retarded.
    I believe I used to be like that.. But God took action and brought me deep into Christianity.. that was soo real, I could not walk away.. and all along, it was right before me. It was always there.. God was just waiting for me to open my eyes.. and see him! And his grace, and beauty. Most importantly his amazing unending love.

    Now, I'm not perfect.. No one is. (it's true we can't be perfect.. but if we confess that to God.. and let him know we need him to help us, through him we could go through the rest of our lives sinless.. It is the truth! But we have to fully trust and live our life for him.) But we need to trust him, in everything that we do. He needs to be the focus of our lives.. and things will go well through his grace and love.
    God is there, weither you want to believe it or not. But if you want to know him, all you have to do is seek him. And you will find him.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    "But honestly, Christainity is NO religion. It's a lifestyle and relationship with God, and his son Jesus."
    I agree with this and every other thing you said on your last post and I think it's not only Cristianity, I'm a muslim and I believe the same about islam... It's a shame that people don't realise that, and they look at religeon as something they just have to do, rotine, or following whatever their parents do and say without diving deep into religeon and look at it's every aspect and the role modles it gives to live a better life.

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    "as for gays, they are fed up of looking for a girl so they go seek guys because they can cope better with them, and don't you know that sexual activities between people of the same sex can cause HIV." just made yourself sound like a totally jerk.

  • Andy loves Jesus
    16 years ago

    "If someone deems him/herself a Christian because they 1) Believe in God 2) Believe Christ is their savior then they actually ARE Christian in my opinion. "

    True, that is the way to Heaven.. But, read the bible and you will know, that you need to be repentful of your sins.. and to remain repentful of your sins.. you must live a lifestyle that will keep you away from sinning again. I can't judge anyone.. And, I'm sorry I said that said I hate it when people are fake Christains.. I really do respect, that everyone has free will to accept what they want. Only in the end, God will be the judge of who goes where. And in order to fully know where you are going. You need to understand and follow God's commandments. Obeying them is a crucial step to eternal life with him. And he states it clearly in the Bible.

    All sin has been forgiven.. but only when we willingly confess it.. and turn away from it. From there we are in the pressence of eternity with God.
    All sin, leads to eternity in hell. God gave the gift of life, should we choose to accept it.
    But than again, I am not the judge.. Only God is.. so its all up to however he wants it to go.

    God Bless!

  • Liz
    16 years ago

    Great post

    i have learned to obey even when i dont understand god bless

  • Liz
    16 years ago

    Hell is what i walk into every time i open my front door.

    heaven is a big piece of chocolate fudge cake with a tall glass of ice cold milk.


  • Always and Never
    16 years ago

    I dont believe in god, but i dont hate anyone who does. to each his own.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    16 years ago

    Sure. Gluttony is a sin, but oh man, God made so many bad things so tasty. But you counter that with temperance or fasting (whether you choose to get prayer involved is your choice, an outside party is usually prefered).

    Pride is a sin -- but I am SO AWESOME! Try some humility every once and while.

    Greed is a sin, overspending is a sin, living beyond ones means is a sin and very, very costly. Try giving more to charity, if not your money, at least you time, so you don't spend as much on yourself.

    Sloth is a sin, fear is a sin, apathy is a sin, sadness and wallowing in depression is also a sin. Get up and do some work for others, even when you feel like hell, your good works will eventually come around and help you feel better. Or just get off your lazy ass and stop procrastinating. Have some courage to do more than simply 'go with the flow.'

    But remember, we all sin, and we're all gonna fall, so putting the blame on others, or wanting what other people have will never solve your problems. Chances are, those people you hate or want to be like so much have problems of their own that you wouldn't want to trade. God never gives us more than we can handle. There is a resilience in the human spirit. People need to remember that and not rely on God to do it for them.

  • Liz
    16 years ago

    ^ Amen to that!

  • XxBAYBiiGiRLxX
    16 years ago

    No affence but i believe there is a god out there but i'm not goin to go to church or read the bible everyday to see if i'm doing aything wrong...seriously everyone dies weather your good or bad and really i don't believe anything comes out of being good all your life....i read my horoscope most of the time it's right and i always what to ger a phycic reading.....i live life as it comes what happens happens.... i don't believe prays work either cos if they did my nan would still be alive....
    thats just my thoughts, i'm not bagging you guys out for what you believe i'm just having my say!

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    I do not believe in God.

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    16 years ago

    I dont know... it goes back and forth I think theres something though i mean all this just randomly created? kinda hard to beleave, but i dont know what it is or what its puropus is or whi im even here.. who knows honestly? no one.. i do know that i have a gift of writing and ive been messing that up lately but its creepy becasue i have no idea where the ideas come from the inspiration is it a muse? or something more? or mahap just me.. ponders* I def. beleave in ghosts though.

    Oh and the whole thing on the ten commandments BAH! its impossible you will sin no matter what and i also beleave that beaing gay is NOT A SIN!! most defenatly not.. wouldent you think god wants us to be happy.. he wouldent make a person the way they are and then say o you cant be happy becasue you can be with someone you intend to love. uh-uh i dont think so. besides that woudl be a cruel god. and if there is 1 i dont think hes all fire and brim stone.

  • TheRevelation
    16 years ago

    Very amusing these posts are.

  • Elizabeth
    16 years ago

    "Anyone out there.. finding it hard to stay true to God?"

    ^ Nope.

  • Jonathan
    15 years ago

    Myself, that is the only person i need to stay true to.