Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend pass away ?

  • XxShes Dieing InsidexX
    16 years ago

    The reason I picked this topic to post is because my boyfriend just passed away on July.28th and I miss him sooo much !! I wish I can bring him back..he was the only person that really ever understood me. :(

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    So sorry for your loss.
    I haven't been through that before, hope you are ok...
    I'm sure there are many who suffer the loss of a loved one, you are not alone.

  • XxShes Dieing InsidexX
    16 years ago

    Thanx alot Dark Secrets. and i know im not the only one who suffered from a loss of a loved one but it sure does feel like it. I feel so lonely without him. =[

  • Siro aKa Gaara
    16 years ago

    I know this is such a cliche saying, but I believe it true. He is in a better place.

    However, I had my gf of 1year pass away thanks to a drunk driver. It took me a long time to get over it, and I felt so lonely, but it took the words of one of my closest friends to get through to me. She said:

    The reason Laura was with you was because she loved you. She hung out with you, called you up in the middle of the night and said she missed you, and loved giving you hugs because she loved to see you smile. She loved seeing you happy. And it hasn't changed even though she is gone. You know she would still want you to be happy, because thats what she loved making you feel. Treasure the memories you have of her, and don't hesitate to share them with your friends, but realize she would want you to get on with your life and follow your dreams, she will be watching over you.

    I understand its hard, but remember that their memory still lives on in you.

  • Barbara Jean
    16 years ago

    I had a friend that lost her boyfriend and it changed her for the worst..but everyone is diffrent..
    i lost a baby and its hard..

    but i believe he is still with u in ur heart and out.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    He wasnt my boyfriend, but he was my crush.
    he died one year ago today..its been a hard day. and today was my first day at school. so the combination of it being a year, and being exhausted..it sucks..=[

  • Lori
    16 years ago

    I am so sorry about this. Stay strong hun. You will get through it.

  • Disasterpiece
    16 years ago

    Aw, that sucks, you're in my thoughts. It seems hard but you can get through it.
    I dated a girl for 2 years but she passed away. >.<
    But anywho
    I'll keep you and his family in my thoughts.

  • XxWorthlessxX
    15 years ago

    Two of my boyfriends have died due to cancer.:(
    Isn't fun..

  • Kayla
    15 years ago

    My best friends boyfriend was killed in a car accident over two years ago due to a drunk driver.

    He wasn't mine but I loved him more than anything else in this entire world. He was my best friend, big brother, and no one could never replace him inside my heart.

    It's hard, yes, but things will get easier. He lives on inside of my heart and I know he would want me to be happy, to smile, and go on with my life. To not let his death get in the way of my happiness. He told me before he died to never let anything stop me from being happy. To find someone who'll love me with every thing they have and who deserves my love in return.

    You should listen to his words too. They're so helpful and what he said was true.

    Sorry about your lost, though. Just stand strong, hun. And that goes for every one else in this thread.

  • Shellaine shelli
    15 years ago

    Well my best friend of 15 years lost her boyfriend almost 2 months ago, he tragically suffered a major aneurysm 2 weeks before my brother died of an overdose and then 3 days ago my ex who was my brothers best friend committed suicide.

    it is such a painful ordeal and he will always be in your thoughts but he will always be alive in your heart. my moms boyfriend was shot 1 and a half years ago. seeing the hurt she faced was awful, he was like an amazing father figure. i miss him more each day.

    just hang in there, it is okay to cry but your boyfriend hates seeing you in so much pain, at night go look up at the sky and the stars shining down are him telling you he is alright and in a better place. hang in there, xXx

  • AngelicDecadence
    15 years ago

    My best friends best friend was my boyfriend for 3 months, and we were insepriable. He was an amazing person that i still havent gotten over, he died four years ago after saving me from getting hit by a car. Hes the only reason im here today, and even though it rarely feels like it, i know hes looking out for me.

    You should think so too, you may not find someone just like him, but you can find someone who loves you just as much, but in a different way. Love is amazing, and you never know how it'll turn out. The best advice i can give you is to never give up. Because if you do that, the person you are meant to find might not be able to find you, and you might miss your oppurtunity at happiness.

    Here this is something one of my friends told me, and it helped me get a bit better right after he died,

    Treat your problems like rain. You can have a tsunami, or you can have a long drought. But no matter how bad the storm may seem at the time, no matter how terrible, rain always stops.


  • meliLOVE
    15 years ago

    I had a boyfriend when i was in highschool named erik who past away. he was in the wrong place at the wrong time he past away due to a drive by shooting.

  • Baby Rainbow
    15 years ago

    My soulmate Liam died and we had been together since i was 9, he was always my best friend. we had our future planned and everything :(

    will never find another guy like him, he was an angel x

  • beautifuldisaster
    15 years ago

    My best friend, Nathan, killed himself nearly a year ago. I miss him every single day. I hadnt even realized until he was gone how much I was truly in love with him...

  • Tammi
    15 years ago

    Almost 21 years ago I lost the man of my life and I still love and miss him and last Jan. I lost a very special woman in my life she killed herself and talk about hurt but I know they r safe with God and I will see them again

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    Gah accidental post

    Might as well say something...

    Stay strong, know it's tough...

    Give it time. You won't forget them, but time makes it better.

    It's better to remember them and be happy.. Grieve for awhile, but don't let it consume you.


  • Brittany Michelle
    15 years ago

    Yes ... my lover best friend my life he comitted suicide bc he could see me anymore