Gurls boyfriend kills her mother....

  • JR13
    16 years ago

    Aight yall read this and let me know wut yall think give yall opinion. i actually know this gurl n her mother.....its just crazy how she let her boyfriend do that to the woman that gave her birth.........
    google her if u want her name is priscilla rodriguez shes from houston tx.

    HOUSTON -- A teenager was accused of strangling his girlfriend's mom, stuffing her body in a suitcase and dumping it in the woods, KPRC Local 2 reported Tuesday.

    Harris County sheriff's deputies said a man spotted a suitcase in the woods as he drove along Guinn Street near 10th Street in northeast Harris County on Sunday.

    Detectives said the man partially opened the suitcase, found the body inside and called the sheriff's office.

    The Harris County Medical Examiner's Office determined that the woman inside was Maria Rodriguez, a 55-year-old wife and mother who was reported missing on Friday.

    Investigators talked to Rodriguez's 17-year-old daughter, Priscilla, about her mother's death.

    Priscilla Rodriguez confessed to helping her 18-year-old boyfriend, Gerson Funes-Reina, put her mother's body in the suitcase and get rid of it, detectives said.

    According to court documents, Funes-Reina strangled Maria Rodriguez. He allegedly went to the family's home wearing black clothing and gloves and carrying a rope.

    "Once the boyfriend entered the house, he gave the daughter, Priscilla, some earplugs to put in and said, 'Put these in. You're not gonna want to hear this,'" said Capt. Craig Clopton with the Harris County Sheriff's Department.

    Funes-Reina has been charged with murder and is being held in the Harris County Jail without bond. Investigators said he is from Honduras and is in the United States illegally.

    Deputies said Priscilla Rodriguez admitted to cutting a window screen to give Funes-Reina access to her family' home. She has been charged with abuse of corpse.

    "The daughter, after being questioned, admitted to knowing about the body being dumped. She implicated herself as knowing about it. She implicated her boyfriend as killing her mother," Clopton said.

    The motive for the killing has not been released, but a neighbor told investigators that the mother and daughter had an argument last week.

    The official cause of Maria Rodriguez's death remains under investigation.

    "I still cannot believe it. I would not believe it to this day that it would be planned by that girl because that girl did not have that kind of mentality or comprehension," neighbor Pam Vargas said.

  • Deana
    16 years ago

    It's sad to say but you never know what's going on inside someones head,this is a horrible act. Yet everyday people kill family members,friends,lovers over the simplest things.There are always better ways out of situations but I guess they can't mentally see it at the time,and when they do they are behind bars.A very enlightening thread.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    I can't get this kind of thing because someone would have to kill me to kill my mother if I could help it. Some people don't feel that though, they get swept up in an argument or a moment and suddenly there is nothing but what they want and the desire to remove whatever stands in your way no matter who it is. My family has been in this situation in a way and I still don't understand it.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    I just don't get it. There must be something more to the story, like the boyfriend abusing or forcing her to do something or some kind to reason for the girl to be ok with it all.
    I feel sorry for the lady, being decieved by her own daughter. As for the bf, he desirves it and so does the girl if she done it willingly without a cause, But I also feel sorry for their ignorance.
    It's shocking how these things happen in our communities nowadays, it's sad how we can't trust no one in this world.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    16 years ago still amazes me what humans are capable of doing to people their supposed to's a horrible and awful act and yet stuff like this happens everyday :P I feel real sorry for both the innocent mother who died and the rest of the family that now has to deal with not only the pain of death but the heartache of the girl being changed for being involved, that hurts as well. I'm sure theres more to the story then that, theres always some reason that people use to commit acts like this, even if there complete stupid and un-logical reasons theres always something they justify their acts with.

    Very sad and very horrible. I'm sorry for the family and the friends of everyone involved

  • JR13
    16 years ago

    Yeah she was involved and this saturday that just passed wuz the funeral it wuz very sad cause her daughter showed her face. shewuz there i guess county jail allowed her to go to the funeral....idk this is so messed up. i think it wuz kinda forced cz i heard that the bf wanted 1000 dollars to fix his car n he asked his gurl if she can ask her mom to get the loan n her mom said no so im guessin that...s its crazy though bcuz i good friend of mine that ive known forever told me that she went up to one ofhis homeboys aking where can she get a gun at??? all of us went to the same high skool. man this lets me know u cant even trust family

  • luke
    16 years ago

    He just did what we all want to do sometimes he dident let the fear come over him

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Wow this really is such a tragic story. i mean a mother is someone you are meant to treasure and love and under no circumstances do harm to her.

    In south Africa a few months ago there was actually a pretty hectic case where a brother and sister and the sisters boyfriend murdered their parents, apparently they were satanic and the girls boyfriend said that satan had given him a message.

    my one friends dad was involved in the case and said it was just one of the most awful cases he has ever experienced in his life.

    i find it so tragic that someone would take the life of another human being but to take the life of your mother is just disgusting!!!! especially because of a boy.

    it really breaks my heart to hear stories like that. i can if thats the case then who can you actually trust!!

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    16 years ago

    WOW that is sooooo sad...I don't know how anyone could do that. I am like 7 hours away from there also I am don't know how I didn't hear about it...I am in Dallas and that is just scary how things like that can happen. But then again it does happen every day around the world...I feel so sorry for how the family is feeling that has to be really hard on them.

  • Sorinity
    16 years ago

    This world has become such i scary place. Where I live there is a guy that just got arrested within this last month that abused his girlfriends baby and I'm almost positive he killed it. Usually someone would have gotten 3 years for what he did but in this case they are going for life because he has a history of child abuse. The baby wasnt more than 6 months I believe. How can someone harm someone so small and innocent multiple times and how can a mother sit by and watch this happen.

    Baby's killing parents and parents killing baby's it's all too much.

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Wow hearing about things like that really saddens me, i mean what is this world coming 2!!!! well down the road from my house there was this little girl, she was 5 who went missing anyway the police continued investigating and could not find her anywhere, they had helicopters and searches going around day and night anyway 1 day in the bush on the side of the freeway they found her body, it had been totally mutilated and had acid thrown over the face. it turned out that it was the little girls father who did it.

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Yeah i totally agree that there are worse things which are going on in the world and it is awful how we are all so oblivious to it but i mean you still cant justify this because parents should never harm let alone murder their children and visa versa.

  • Sorinity
    16 years ago

    You have to wonder what goes through these peoples minds as they do these sort of things though. What knid of person could do such horrible acts and have no sort of remorse or anything....

  • Mello193
    16 years ago

    Its an ok story....if it were really true

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    How can you say "if it were really true" this is just 1 of many stories like this which are happening way 2 frequently.

  • Sorinity
    16 years ago

    It is true, don't you pay attention to anything going on around you?? I don't even live near where it happened and I heard about it. It was on the news on and off for like a month where I live

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Yeah, i live in a different country and i even heard about it before reading it up here.

  • abigail rodriguez replied to JR13
    1 year ago

    hi. im actually the daughter of the two maniacs who committed this insane crime to my grandma who i obviously never got to meet. i was wondering if you got anymore information on this ? im a 14yo girl whos just curious and wants to know about her parents past. im not even sure anyone uses this website but i came across this article while "researching" priscilla because before the other news articles i only knew of her and nothing about my father, gerson. pls if u have any more info i wanna know

  • abigail rodriguez replied to Mello193
    1 year ago

    yes its really true, my dad, gerson is still in prison somewhere and priscilla, my got deported to mexico after she got out of prison and is now illegal in the usa