I have cancer.

  • jenna grace
    16 years ago

    For the past 2 years i;ve suffered from sinus infections which havent gotten better. finally, the doctor sent me for a CT scan and several blood tests. the doctor called today, with results.. i have undifferentiated carcinoma.. which is cancer in the sinus'. i'm not sure how to break it to my friends or family. what do i tell everyone?
    theres a fair chance i can be operated on, but the positioning of the tumor may be unoperatable.

  • jenna grace
    16 years ago

    I've been crying non-stop. my mom knows, but we;ve yet to tell everyone else.

    && thank you <3

    and the sinus' are, i think the doctor said (if i heard correctly) the maxillary sinus'. but the position of the tumor is weird. i'm just praying that this is just a life lesson.

  • Sweet lig
    16 years ago


  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    Omg!! That's horrible... I'm so sorry
    I hope you get better and whatever treatment you get works.
    Now that your mum knows I'm sure she'll help. Just be strong and fight this, you can beat it!

  • jenna grace
    16 years ago

    Thanks all. i've spent the whole weekend just laying around. tomorrow, i have to go to school && face everyone. im not sure how i'm going to do it.

    i'm not sure what code i have. i just know what my mom told me. she was the one that spoke to the doctor. i know i have Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma && that its really rare. i'll find out more weds. im just so scared.

    16 years ago

    Aw. I'm so sorry to hear that.

    Hm. I think, maybe, just worry about telling your closest friends & family. I don't think you should worry about telling every one of your friends yet.

    If you need to talk, my PM box is open.

    16 years ago

    I am really sorry to hear about that especially at such an early age... but I REALLY hope you get better... and keep your head up...

    Face it with your head up, and tell it that it wont beat you... you will beat it...

    I know it must be really hard but I do wish you the best...

    and as for telling people... you tell them when you are ready...

  • jenna grace
    16 years ago

    Thank you so much <3
    i'm trying to find a way to give back to everyone.
    i really have felt so supported through this so far <33

  • jenna grace
    16 years ago

    Sorry i havent been on the last few days;; i;ve been quite busy.
    things are looking up. i have a new medicine which is helping with the inflamation around the brain. which will help see how big exactly the tumor is and if it has spread.
    thank you again, all so much.

  • ether
    16 years ago

    I'm glad it's looking up. Keep us updated and good luck with everything <3

  • 4EvErMaKeBeLiEvE
    16 years ago

    You are so young and so pretty it si so wierd that this could happen to anyone at anytime

  • CountlessMoments
    16 years ago

    Omg, That's not good. just stay STRONG and live your life like there's no TOMORROW. if you need anything Im here!

  • just a little bit hurt
    16 years ago

    Well live everyday like it was your last? thats the best ws to handle the sitution

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Oh angel, you are such a strange girl. just hang in there hun, my mom had a long battle with breast cancer but she survived and i know you will do the same. luckily you've found it early so it can be treated.

    You know my mom read Sharon Osbournes biography and it really inspired her. when people think of cancer the first thing they think of is death but that is not the truth of cancer if you get the right treatment you will become one of the MANY survivors!!!!

    I wish you all of the best!!! Have a fast recovery and take care!! and i know that in a few years time you will be sitting on this site and telling people how you once battled cancer but are now a survivor!!! if you ever wanna chat then pm me any time, HUGS

  • Nee
    16 years ago

    I'm in great shock already !
    I'm sorry for your pain sweetness...I don't know how this feels like, but I know it's far beyond any thoughts in my head.

    I hope your pain will end soon and I'm sure everyone will be by your side =))
    Let us know every progress you make.

    Best of luck and prayers. xx

  • BlackIris
    16 years ago

    May you get cured from this cancer..best wishes..

  • xToBeWithYoux
    16 years ago

    Oh, my! You're only a little bit older than me. That's awful. I really hope you recover healthily, and I'm sure everyone here will give their full support.

    Good luck, best wishes, God bless,
    Emily xxx

    Keep smiling! Smiles help! :)

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    16 years ago

    I know what it feels like 4 cancer to be unoperable.. ill pray 4 u and ur family.. keep strong and keep fighting that what im doing . i refuse to beleave that there isnt a cure

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    16 years ago

    Instead of saying sorry like everyone else. All I can say is. "To Which Words Cannot Explain''