Where do you want to live?

  • Poet on the Piano
    16 years ago

    Just thought I'd ask this question, I'm curious to see what people say: If you could live anyplace in the whole world, where would it be and why??

  • keithnwv
    16 years ago

    I live in West Virginia. I was just on the highest point of our farm baling hay. There is the most beautiful view from there. It would be an awsome place to build a house and live but its almost impossible to get to in the winter.

  • Poet on the Piano
    16 years ago

    That sounds awesome, I love a place that has a really breathtaking beautiful scene...

  • Soraya Lowe
    16 years ago

    In Virginia

    I have a lot of family there on my dad's side

    And there's a LOT of undeveloped land there...and I do mean a LOT.

    I don't really like the city, and it's so peaceful and serene in the country where there's a mile wide gap in between houses

  • StandStill
    16 years ago


  • Poet on the Piano
    16 years ago

    I love the country area, being away from the city, and especially where there is peace and serenity. I've only been in Virginia once in my life, but it seems like a great place...

  • january friend
    16 years ago

    Out in the middle of nowhere, maybe montana of wyoming, somewhere quiet. someplace where you can see the stars at night like i can now

  • CanUKissAwayMyPain
    16 years ago

    Ya i also what to live where you could see that stars at night. i live in a city so i cant really c them.. but when i got to the mountains they are so bright n beautifull so sowhere where i can see the stars..
    idk where but anywhere.

  • Saving Grace
    16 years ago

    In Albany, Western Australia. So beautiful and peaceful. The most gorgeous beaches over there as well!

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    It wouldnt be where, it would be with the people i love and right now thats my friends here. x

  • Captivat3d
    16 years ago

    Any where but here!

  • CanUKissAwayMyPain
    15 years ago

    Somehwere cold n beautiful like the mountain with a view of the sunset. oo.... yeah

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    I hope to someday have a house; make a home, down by the lake & in a small community. :)

  • Poet on the Piano
    15 years ago


    It would be cool to live in Washington (Forks), cause I Love Rain and forests! I also love isolated places like country, and I love cold and chilly places too!

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    I would love to live in New Zealand and see all that beautiful scenery... but if I were to pick a place to live, it would be Edmonton, AB. That's cause it's where he lives ~<3 :)

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    15 years ago

    I love living in NZ its what I consider the best place on earth, I don't think I will stay in Auckland but I will stay in Waitakere City - another city inside Auckland city =].
    ummm but otherwise I would live in Melbourne Australia, With my brother.

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    I'm going to Blacksburg Virginia in about a year after school :)

    I would really like to live in Alaska though its so beautiful there. lol

  • Lover Boii
    15 years ago

    I'd live where I do now: Fryeburg, Maine. It's a great small town with everything I need. A great private high school for my kids. A fair that comes every October down the road. And a shopping outlet a fifteen minute drive into the next town.

  • A F
    15 years ago

    Paris, France.
    I believe I belong there. ;)
    Actually, I love everything about France.


  • Stephanie
    15 years ago

    Gainsville, Florida naturally because (hello? GATORS?duh). Outside the country I would live in Italy. I've always wanted to go there and
    I'd think it would be a beautiful place to live.

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    15 years ago

    I would live in California, because me && my boyfriend have decided thats the best place for us to go. Because of certain reasons but I have a feeling if I bring that reason up it will cause some conflicts && some arguments just like it did in another forum

  • cowgirlstar26
    15 years ago

    Montana. currently in MN

  • ForsakenBeautyXx
    15 years ago

    Colorado, Current: Minnesota.

  • StillxBreathing
    15 years ago

    In a huge tall castle in ireland with towers and a garden maze to reach the front door

  • Poet on the Piano
    15 years ago

    That would be cool to live in Ireland!

  • Good Enough
    15 years ago

    I want to go to alaska cause its far from here in cali and its soo beautiful out there!

  • uuhhmmss
    15 years ago


  • Fluffy
    15 years ago

    "I would really like to live in Alaska though its so beautiful there. lol"

    Did you know Sarah Palin could see Russia from her window in Alaska? Brilliant.

    I'd love to live in New Zealand, Australia or Switzerland. Oo, or Spain :)

    15 years ago

    ^ Oh, very alike.
    Germany, Switzerland, Australia or Sweden!

    15 years ago

    Ireland or Italy.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Japan or Cali.

  • SolemnWish
    15 years ago

    A nice semi-big house out in the country.
    With someone I love it would be perfect.
    To work some days but be my own boss, and be able to see the one I love every day. Not having to constantly stare at the sky trying to pick out one star because I can easily see them all from my backyard. Some place calm where not much really changes too much. I love stargazing, its my thing.

    Either that or a place somewhere in Europe in the probably in the Netherlands by like Amsterdam.

  • XxBabii GirlxX
    15 years ago

    I would love to move back to Washington..
    thats where all my family is and i dont really like texas its a lil to hot for me

  • Jay Perry Jr
    15 years ago


    It seems inteesting

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    I just noticed there's some people from MN. I live their too!! It's too cold over here...burrrr...

  • Unamed
    15 years ago

    I think id like to live in Ireland. lol. i just think the scenery is beautiful.


  • mrsmoore
    15 years ago

    Montana :) I wanna go back and stay there! It's beautiful, simple, quiet, and amazing!

  • Lucy
    15 years ago

    I would want to live in iceland or sweden!

  • silvershoes
    15 years ago

    Where I live (San Francisco). Or maybe England, Scotland or Thailand. Italy maybe?

    The hell if I know!

  • KJ
    15 years ago

    I always wanted to live in Florida;
    but now that Im stationed here: BLEH!


    I would like to live in