Help me to understand this poem please

  • waiting 4 some1
    16 years ago

    Hey, can anyone help me to understand this poem please? it's for Emily Dickmon and its named "if you were coming in the fall"
    these are the lines:.....
    If you were coming in the Fall
    I'd brush the summer by
    With half a smile and half a spurn
    As Houswives do, a Fly

    If i could see you in a year
    I'd wind the months in balls
    And put them each in separate Drawers,
    For fear the numbers fuse

    If only Centuries delayed
    I'd count them on my hand
    Subtracting till my fingers dropped
    Into Van dieman's Land

    If certain, when this life was out
    That yours mine, should be
    I'd toss it yonder, like a Rind,
    And take Eternity

    But, now, uncertain of the lenght
    Of this, that is between,
    It goads me, like the Goblin Bee
    That will not state its sting

    since i am an inexpert poet and english is not my first language i found difficulty to understand the poem. also some words were hard for me to translate it and then relate it to the poem.
    i need your help please

    thanks in advance

  • waiting 4 some1
    16 years ago

    Hey thanks alot for this makes more sense to me now