I hate my dad

  • A F
    16 years ago

    Too frank, but true. I'm crying right now because of him. I hate him I hate him I hate him. He doesn't trust me the way dads should trust their daughters. He's being hard on me. I'm doing everything and anything I can just to meet their expectations. I'm doing everything I can to be a good daughter-- I get good grades in school and my parents don't seem to appreciate it :( I try not to answer back, but if I didn't he'd be like, "Why aren't you answering? Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" But then if I did, he'd be like, "Ah so you're answering back huh?" And even I just look at him he'd be like, "Don't give me that look. I never gave that look to my parents." It's not my fault that I can't be the perfect daughter for them. I hate him. I really do. I wish I had a different dad. It actually hurt to say those words, but I'm his daughter and he treats me like shit??? GREAT. :( And my bf is not even here to comfort me. Whatta great life huh?


  • Sorinity
    16 years ago

    You think thats so horrible?? there are children who are beat and raped by there dads. its a parents job to push there kids to do things because most kids wont. you fought with your dad. youll get over it. itll blow over

  • A F
    16 years ago

    He hit me. Twice. The first time he did it made a blood clot inside my mouth.


  • iris
    16 years ago

    Awww, are you okay? I know its hard when your parents are'nt the loving, hugging, caring sort, how parents should be. Yeah, erm, well, one of my parents really hurts me at night times sometimes, started when i was 3, and hasnt stopped yet :-( I know it can make you feel alone though.

    Hope your okay Irisanne xxx

  • A F
    16 years ago

    Reporting him never crossed my mind. I'm not that bitchy. Or maybe when he starts beating me up like hell, maybe that's when I would report him. But as long as I can endure the pain whenever he hits me, then this will just stay in my home.

    And plus, he doesn't hit me that often. I was just in shocked when he hit me the first time.


    16 years ago

    "How the hell is it "bitchy" to report your father for hitting you? Fine endure it if you want too. No one should have to deal with being hit, esp. by their own dad..."

    I agree. Report him. I hate to say it, but the next time he decides to get angry and hit you, it might be too late to report him. =/

  • Roxy
    16 years ago

    I agree as well although it may be hard to report your own father but it doesn't make you "bitchy" all you are simply doing is protecting yourself against him. It is never right to hit a child never. Sure like someone above said you can endure the pain. But how long are you going to keep letting him hurt you?
    And also as for the "I hate my dad" part Yeah many people do hate their parents in fact to be honest if it wasn't for the fact that they are my family I would hate them too.

  • A F
    16 years ago

    We'll just see. I hope he never does it again.


  • Misunderstood Misery
    16 years ago

    I understand what you're going through. My dad is the same way. He barely ever speaks to me, even if its just a hello. And in my opinion I think the neglect and mental abuse is sometimes worse than the physical.
    Yeah, there were a few times where my dad took his belt to me, one time getting me right across the back of the legs like 3 times. And then, the last time he did it, hitting me so hard, leaving a big welt across my lower back. That was the last time he's ever done that though. My mom put her foot down.
    So I understand about that too. I really do feel the same way as you do, like you're never good enough and can't meet their expectations. Can't be the "perfect" daughter like they want. I've been there. I really don't know what to tell you about that though. But if you want to talk then my box is always open. And I agree with the rest of them, you should report it.

  • just a little bit hurt
    16 years ago

    Girl i know just how you feel! i went through all this with my mom! and honestly i think the best think for you to do is move out and stay away from him asap! that is untill he changes and learns not to make you cry because i did and my mom has changed so much!

  • just a little bit hurt
    16 years ago

    Hopefully not!

  • Sorinity
    16 years ago

    I agree totally with bob. especially the drama queen. i doubt that it even happened. your probably just mad cuz daddy took away the keys to your lambo or something

  • A F
    16 years ago

    Bob: True enough. But yeah, like what you said where would I be without his support. That's why I'm not gonna report him.. Cuz I still am grateful for what he has done in my life.

    Sorinity: Nah. I'm far from being a drama queen. And if you have doubts whether if he really did this to me or not, you might as well have doubts in people on this site who claim to be suicidal and cutting themselves like hell.

    That One Guy: Yea, I agree.


  • The Queen
    16 years ago

    Too be frank, its probably cuz u did sumthin that upsetting ur Dad which you may or may not aware of. Filipino parents known for their aggressiveness when it comes to parenting. I myself got beaten up with a lot of diff people it was coz my parents werent there. And i took positively but of course gradually. Look at me now, no one even dare to raise their hands on me, its coz they know what kind of person i am now. Your Dad for sure didnt mean somethin bad like dat, probably he was havin a tough time at work or he wasnt happy on what he was seein from you. Just try to evaluate yourself a lil deeper, you know. But then on the other hand, maybe you are right.

  • iris
    16 years ago

    Look hunni, the point is that your dad hurt you when he shouldnt have. You're upset, and i can understand why you wouldnt want to report him. Getting social services involved is a long and slippery slope. Thats not to say, that if things really get awful, that you shouldnt tell somebody.

    But, thats what i think you were doing on here, you needed an outlet, you needed to tell someone, who wouldnt then go off and get others involved.

    Im here for you hunni, you stay strong :-)

  • megan
    16 years ago

    Ok, im sorry he hit you, thats terrible and should never happen, but as for the rest of it... welcome to life walk into 9 outta 10 homes over the world and thats how it is, or worse. so report the a** for hitting you and forgive him for the rest, no parent is perfect, they all expect to much from their kids. deal.

  • gasping for air
    16 years ago

    You need to report him... I don't know how it feels to have your dad hurt you like that, i was spanked by mine, and I was deathly afraid of him. In the back of my mind I knew he'd never cause me serious harm, just a red bottom. BUT NO CHILD SHOULD BE HIT by any one! there's no excuse no reason no NOTHING! reagardless of what age...
    AND where is your mother? what is she doing about all of this? I understand most parents love their children and blah blah blah.. but DANG!!!! no parent should HIT their child! By you not saying or doing anything it tells him its okay and lets him get away with it... he atleast needs to get some anger management counseling or something!
    you need to talk to a trusted adult and your mother about this! ASAP!
    if you dont then you dont care about it as much as you claim.

  • A F
    16 years ago

    Holding in the Pain:
    I never told mum about.
    But like what I've said, if only there was a place I could go when I leave home, I'd be there in a heartbeat.


  • ruthyyy
    16 years ago

    This is your final warning watch your mouth (aka swearing).

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Okay negativity isn't really going 2 solve anything and negative comments wont really help the situation. you know as hard and unbelievable as it may seem everyone has got issues with their parents, even the people who seem to have "perfect" families and "perfect" but those are usually the people who have got the most issues. everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. just be grateful you actually have a dad. i mean yeah its hard and the fact that he hits you is not right so please don't think i am trying 2 justify that or anything but if its that bad then you really need to report him or at least speak 2 your mom or someone you can trust about it.

  • Nee
    16 years ago

    My dad's the same and hes causing me heart aches all the time
    but I guess most dads are hard to deal with !!
    so don't be sad =] there are people who suffer the same way you do.

  • AngelicDecadence
    16 years ago

    There are people who suffer just like you do, true, but that doesnt make it right, no matter what anyone says.

    My dad did the same thing, but it was on a more frequent basis. I now live with my older brothers because they found out about it. Simple as this: If hes hurting you, talk to him about it, if he doesnt listen, the next day, GO TO A COUNSLER AT YOUR SCHOOL OR A TRUSTED ADULT. Dont let him get away with it, i did and i ended up getting a long scar across my wrist from where he tried to kill me.

    From the first hit, it ALWAYS gets worse. I would know. Please, don't let it get that far. I'm terrified of my dad, and you shouldn't have to be. Its wrong, simply wrong. Please don't let him get away from something thats AGAINST THE LAW. Its abuse, and its ASSULT! that is illegal! Did you think about that? Its illegal, your dad is doing something wrong. It doesn't matter if he 'probably' wont do it again, or 'its not all the time' because trust me, it will BECOME all the time. I would know better then anyone. Don't let it get that far.

  • Jessica
    16 years ago

    I'm so sorry about your dad!!!!! *hugs* I hate my dad too he raped me and then beat the crap out of me when i tried to escape. and hes still out there free. and my mom and dad and brother disowned me before that and lef tme. i have no idea why????? and so im living iwht my teacher trying to be safe. so sorry about your dad though!!!! *another hug*

  • Lauren
    16 years ago

    I hate my dad because he was never around when I was a kid. He used drugs for 30 some years. My dad doesnt trust me at all when I havent done anything to not be trusted. My dad inflicts emotional and mental abuse all the time!!! It pisses me off and if I try to defend my self he claims that I'm way to out of control and had better calm down. Its hard to say this but if he went away and never came back I would be happy. All the pain would leave. Hes such and ass all he does is complain, yell, and insult me. I HATE HIM!!!

  • Kylie Jo
    15 years ago

    Sweetie.. My dad is like that too. but i thank GOD than i dont live with him. my dad is an abusive bastard... your dad needs to get a fuhkkin clue that you are an amazing person so far that i can tell. i would KILL to get good grades, my mom says that anyone can be a FATHER but it takes a REAL MAN to be a DAD! obviously he is a father. take it from me. its hard to believe but even tho you hate him... there is a LITTLE TINY place in your heart that wants him to be a DAD! buttttttt if you have a friend... maybe you can adopt him to be your DAD. thats what i did. i have my *dad* now. he is amazing. i hope this helps :]



  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    Well, I can say I strongly disapprove of my dad. Maybe not hate him, but disapprove. He tries. Just remember, maybe your dad is trying to - you never know. Took me a good 12 years for me to realize it.

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    I know exactly how you feel =(

  • Wishmaster
    15 years ago

    I agree...my haven't heard from my dad in 9 years

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    15 years ago

    My dad was in prison for 14 yrs of my life. He would abuse me and hit me with different items. He called me a slut, said I wasnt his daughter. But I still DO NOT HATE MY DAD. How can you hate someone that brought you into this world?

  • Carrie
    15 years ago

    I have to ask something to all you people who have just told this young girl to report her father... have you ever had to do it? have you ever had to rip apart your family and report someone that is a part of you? I'm glad everyone is telling this girl to be strong but strength has nothing to do with reporting.

  • chind
    15 years ago

    Wow ,
    i can actually relate to this heaps , my parents are exactly like that .
    my sister and brother are both rreally smart , and im not as smart of them , im really slow and i take time to understand things , and basically blonde at heart .
    my parents always expect me to get good grades , anything below a 95 seems to be crap , which is crazy but oh wells .
    and i have also cried a lot over the things they say , geez , even the things they say are pretty similar !
    my dad has hit me a couple once lately, but i know he was just angry and he didnt mean it , cause he apologised .
    also i have wanted many times to be born into a different family , i just hate how things run with my family , its all about grades and schooland what job you have , arrg .

    anyways , what im trying to say is you shouldnt really let their words bother you too much . and as long as you know you tried with school then thats all that matters , no one can be perfect ,and its crazy for him to want that from you .
    and if i was you , i wouldnt report him , hes still your father , and he probably felt bad after it , like my father
