Lost a friend

  • Aveena
    16 years ago

    Ok i know this may sound childish by the time you finish reading this but i just need to get my feelings out in the open..

    i was going out with this guy...there is 50% chance always one of us will get hurt...my friend told me in spite of me liking him that he will break my heart and to break up with him..i new it might happen but i continued....after we broke up she got madd becuase i didnt take her advice...i tryed talkin to her...&& tried to make things right, but nothing i did could make thigs good again...now she started to ignore everyone...skipp class and what not....a part of me wants her back but a part says she;ll come back if she wants to... she told me "i tried to help you, to tell you to learn from mebut nooooo. you know what? i'm done here. I FUCKING TRIED TO HELP YOU. but nevermind. who am i to advise you? certainly no-one. so you know what? go ahead and do what you want. like i said: i'm done here." I lost her...

    Is there anyhting I can do again...or whats meant to be, will come?

  • mysterious
    16 years ago

    Ok...for starters if she's as good of a friend as you say that's a stupid reason for her to stop talking to you.
    did she have reason for warning you about this guy, like did he have a reputation of hurting girls or anything like that.

    i'd say just try talking to her one last time when she's calm... admit to her that you made a mistake, and that it was your mistake to make...not hers....and if she's a truly a good friend she should understand and want to be there for u to help you get over it., cuz u need her now mroe than ever

    again This is stupid reson to lose a friend if that's the case maybe she's not worth having as a friend or maybe there's another reason for her not wanting you as a freind that she not telling you and she's using that as an excuse....just maybe...you would know the details of the situation.
    gd luck!

  • Aveena
    16 years ago

    Your right thanks. To be honest she didnt even know the guy really...I treid talking to her several of times, on the net, the phone, and in real life...
    && to your last one about an excuse I wouldnt think that she would stop talking to everyone we hung around with, maybe it isnt my fault as you said...cuz she hid osme things from her 'rents that she could have gotten in trouble for...

    thanks :) ill try one more time, but if nothing helps I guess shes not worth it..

  • Aveena
    16 years ago

    Thanks Amanda I understand but...it was about a guy, and you know a girl gets hurt every once in awhile by a guy...thats what she was trying to prevent..not tto go out with him and get hurt..thats what...I know she was being protective and didnt want to see me hurt..its the first time she gave me adive about this...i guess it was my fault now i iidnt take it..but usually i would take her adive on anything else...but you know what your right... thanks :)

  • Aveena
    16 years ago

    Thank you guys for your help. She talked to me yestersday and told me why she was ignoring me. It was kind of weord tho. She said that she relly didnt want to see my hurt but at the same time she was jealous of me.