A best friend?

  • january friend
    16 years ago

    I'm just curious, what defines a best friend. In my oppnion, it would be someone that would tell you absolutley anything and you would trust eachother without thinking twice. growing up, untill about 7th grade, I had a best friend, then high school changed that. Now this year I'm realizing that I don't have a best friend. There is no other person that will talk to me about anything "serious" like boy problems. My "friends" openly talk to other people about it, but when I asked what was wrong they just said nothing. All my life I've been putting on a face and just pretending I was happy, but I'm not. So that's it, I just wanted your opinion on it.

  • Nicole the Fairy
    16 years ago

    Well, in general, I think the definition of 'best friend' be different for every one. For someone it could mean, just someone who's there... and a friend, and you're close to.. others it could mean, maybe someone who you grew up with since you were 5, and are still friends no matter what.. It all depends on the person, and the relationship between their friends.

    If you are comparing your 'best friend' to 'friends', then really there are a gazillion views anyone can choose.

    To me, a best friend is someone who is always there for you, and you can call with any problems, and call for any reason. They dont have to talk, but just listen. Also trust, if you trust your friends, as in with your life, then maybe they are your best friend, but, again, comparing them to a 'friend', maybe (in your case) the people you say wouldnt share anything with you are just peers, and if they arent willing to trust you, maybe they arent true friends, just people who you hang out with.

    If they can't trust you with 'secrets', even down to the last detail of who likes which boy to what someone done which could change their life forever, or when they get their period (for example haha :P) then maybe they arent true friends.

    True friends are the ones who are there for you, and trust you no matter what. Also who know you well, but not well enough to say they know more about you than yourself :P haha.

    I have a friend, and we've been friends for 9 years now, he's such a great friend, and I love him to bits. He tells me everything, from what he has planned, to his sex life.. it's a weird topic.. but anyway.. that is what I call a best friend. You dont have to necessarily know them for all of your life, or 'forever' but long enough to know they are your best friend.. if that makes sense?

    .. With Russell, I knew, the moment I seen him, because we just click :) Best friends ever since... no fighting... although it IS healthy to fight in a friendship... well, any relationship really. :)

    Thats my definition of 'best friend' :)

    And, as above, I bet the next person who posts with their views, would be quite different than mine :)

    Good luck



  • january friend
    16 years ago

    Thanks for your opinion, I agree. But then pretty much everyone I talk to are just peers. the closest friend that I have is a guy that most people don't like. I can tell him a lot of stuff, but not everything.

  • StandStill
    16 years ago

    I love this question because it's so different for everyone..

    First of all, I'm sorry that you lost a best friend. It hurts, doesn't it? Like all of a sudden you're missing your other half..I really and truly am sorry. Everyone deserves a best friend.

    Best friend..*sighs* it's sort of undefinable. It's those people who you can tell anything to and they won't ever ever judge you for it. They love you a little more each day and they don't know everything about you, but that's just because they realize there's too many layers to you to understand. They ask you the questions you need to be asked, not necessarily the ones you want to be asked. When you smile and when you laugh, it makes them so happy..so happy they could cry. but instead you just smile and laugh with them. Cliche as it is, they're those people who, regardless of the situation, are prepared to catch you, hold you, and make you safe. They come in different shapes, sizes, sexes, colours, ages...but you don't ever really notice. You don't have to be able to see them or touch them for them to be your best friend because the levels go deeper than that. Whenever you speak to them you feel safe and you feel understood...like you swollowed a bunch of sunshine. Like spring melting into summer. Like loud music. Like hope and love and all those wonderful things..

    and that still doesn't cover half of it.

  • Nee
    16 years ago

    I don't believe in best friends in this life, I do call my close friends best friends..but the word best friend has a very deep meaning that never existed in this life, it's something that is true and I totally believe in it.

  • RavishingEruption
    16 years ago

    I think a true best friend is a rare find. I'm lucky enough to have several. =]

    I think the definition of a true friend is someone...who you can tell everything to. And trust with your heart. When spouses say that their "other half" is their best friend. Because they trust them with their love.

    I think a best friend is just that....a friend above all others. =]

  • Sorinity
    16 years ago

    A true best friend to me is someone that no matter what they do I can't stay mad at them. My best friend and I have been so close for a little over 6 years now that we call eachother sisters because we have rubbed off on eachother & act so much alike that people really do think we are sisters. I can turn to her for anything and she'll have my back and visa versa. We understand eachother so well all we have to do is look at eachother and we know what the other is thinking. My favorite saying for best friends.. "A good friend will come set your bail, a BEST friend will be sittin next to you sayin "yup..we sure did mess up, BUT IT WAS AMAZING!!!!""

  • january friend
    16 years ago

    ^what you're still going to talk to me despite our argument (by the way, it's your turn) lol
    i agree with pretty much all of this. i guess i'm just frustrated right now. i really need someone to talk to who knows me, like someone at school, but there is no one there. no, i don't really trust anyone. all the people i talk to are just peers. i dont want to say that i dont have friends, becuase i do, but none that i completly turst. i just can't help but feel that i did something wrong.

  • Heba
    15 years ago

    Well, I think the definition of the best friend is the one who really understands you and feels you and really knows who you are,as well as this he is the one who always stands by your side when all the world leaves you alone and try to show you hope and love.

  • january friend
    15 years ago

    So do you think that the person that you call your best friend should also think of you as thier best friend?

  • StandStill
    15 years ago


  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    They don't have to be, otherwise the world would be full of little 2 people friendships, and then the odd person would have no best friend...

    No, I don't think it works like that.

  • Heba
    15 years ago

    NO,this is not necessary.For me,none of my best friendsd told me that I am one of their best friends.That's sad, but am gonna get used to it...