My family's falling apart!!

  • Nobody
    16 years ago

    Um hey k i need help.................i cant stand my relationship with my family it is horrible all we do is fight, my mom and me are the worst i cant even be in the same room as her without her yelling at me, she is constantly critersizing me about everything i cant seem to do anything right in her eyes it really hurts and frustrating i feel like she doesnt love me or anything i really want my relationship with my mom and the rest of my family to be more sturdy and together please help me my family is falling apart!

  • Lauren
    16 years ago

    I have the same problem with my dad. I don' seem to deal with it that well, since I am very stubborn. But when I just ignore it and say what he wants me to say we don't seem to get into as many fights. Though I don't like doing that cuz it makes me feel like his little robot or something. You gotta relax and try to be as civil as possible. Just maybe tell her exactly how you feel. I did that with my dad, though I screamed it at him and it was horrible at the time, but since then it hasn't been as bad. I would maybe tell her how she makes you feel and that it would help if she stepped off a little bit. It's hard to do, really hard, but it's better after...atleast for me it was. Idk really what else to say. That's just from my experiences. Good luck, and keep your head up.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    Moms are usually like that especially with their teen daughters, I used to argue a lot with my mom at that age... I remember how I used to yell it in her face and tell her she doesn't love me. Eventually she started to understand me and that was when I started to talk to her. The thing is it's hard for a mother to see her kids growing up, especially a daughter, she always see's her relationship with the daughter like her and her mother, she see's everything she has been through at that age and all the mistakes that her daughter is doing, trust me she's only acting that way because she doesn't want you to go through what she went through.

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Wow thats so true. I used to get in fights with my mom all the time then she started to actucally talk to me about it. and i understand from her point of view. I still do somthings that she dosent approve of but thats life

  • c 0 n f u s e d
    15 years ago

    Same with me and my mom, except i dont live with her but everytime she visits it pisses me off for some reason and we start yelling at each other. Well anyways i think you should tell her how you feel because if you dont nothing will change. I bet your mom loves you alot so tell her that you dont want your family to fall apart.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    15 years ago

    Being so young your not going to understand why something is going on. I had the same kind of life when I was your age and it was only 2 years ago but as you get older it all changes because then you start to understand more. Just be the best you can.