Posting poetry

  • steve
    16 years ago

    Just now I was in the mood to write. So instead of busting out a pen and paper, I just clicked the submit poem button. Now, because I was writing this poem as it came to me, it took awhile to write it the way it went best. After I spell checked it and hit submit it said I had to sign in. So I signed in and the poem wasn't there. I then hit the back button in an attempt to salvage the poem I just created. But alas it was to no avail and now the poem is gone. I don't like to use the keep me signed in button because I happen to use a fairly public computer. Could you at least make the timeout time closer to an hour than 15 minutes?

  • Blissful
    16 years ago

    To not have this problem happen just open a blank email and type it in their or a word document. That way you know the poem wont disappear and you could save it in case it does.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    I can't believe that someone that's been a member of this site for nearly three years had the guts to post a poem that way. Especially with all the people that complain about that happening, even though the rules state to save your poem before you post it.

    Even if you do use a public computer, you can write it in word pad, notepad or something like that before you post it on here and then after it successfully posts, you can delete it without saving it on that computer.

  • T uh Belle lll
    16 years ago

    That sucks

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    That's why you always highlight and copy just in case. If you use Mozilla you can actually get the page with your work back.

  • ether
    16 years ago

    Or copy the text right before you post it so you only lose the title.

    Ctrl + C = no frustration.