We are powerful beyond measure

  • huddy
    16 years ago

    In the end of every rise, in the rise of every fly, a hero is made and a legacy is written
    In each one of us;is a spirit. A spirit of a warior, defenders of Light and the upholders of Truth.
    Darkness is then put at a stop for Light is much more powerful.

    But darkness does not end there for it is Relentless and Evil and as a result a line is drawn and paths are chosen. Those that choose the Light are made of Superheroes and those that follow the world become Supervillains. However you are good and strong you are so powerful and way more unstoppable so dont let anyone tell you you're shit for you are made up of what you believe in. Don't let anyone take that away from you

    So what am i saying? Iam saying repel what evil do what is good just as much as my little baby brother Samuel repels a hot cup of porridge...lols
    And always know that you can do anything that you put your mind to
    "...The fact is not that we are inadequate.The fact is that we are powerful beyond measure"

    ~Sorry, no advertising of your own work~
