Is It True???

  • Nici
    19 years ago

    I think that a lot of people (male and female) say that they don't care about looks when really they do.

    Sometimes blokes break up with their g/f because their mates tell them that their girl is ugly. They want to keep up an image with their mates. Women also do the same, I've known loads of women who only go for looks.

    I guess it just sounds cool when people say 'I don't care about looks, it's the personality that counts' and thats why they do it. Just because you say something doesn't mean that you believe it!


  • Jackie Bilson
    19 years ago

    Yeah. Looks do count too. I mean, you don't walk into a room and automatically scan the room for someone who wasn't good looking right? BUT, looks are only an eye catcher. For me, if the guys was really cute but acted like a snob or a jerk to everyone else, my smile would automatically turn into a scowl and I'd talk to someone else.

    Looks may be what gets someone's attention. But personality is what makes you stay interested.

  • browneyes
    19 years ago

    I totally agree with everything Jackie said..
