I Cried today because....[#2]

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    I cried today because we sadly had to take my really old dog to be put down and i also really miss my brother who passed away 4 months ago due to a drug overdose

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    16 years ago

    I cried coz im going to enjoy christmas and my birthday for once. My cousin is here and I haven't seen him in 10yrs...suddenly everything is going to be ok for once this year.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    I cried today because my grandma is getting more and more hurtful by the day. she tells me she doesnt want me to move out in the summer, but her actions are just making me wish i could go sooner....i cant wait to move out and be with my love...cant wait at all. sigh..

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    16 years ago

    I cried coz I fell down the stairs into the wall which I then stood up and banged my head on the rail....so thats why you don't walk down stairs in the early hours of the morning.

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    16 years ago

    It's my birthday and im just so happy becaus eof so many things so im crying coz people remembered my bday yet im sad because today is the day my rents divorced and my dad started hating me.

  • Heba
    16 years ago

    I cried today because one person who I considered her one day the best friend I ever had, is attacking me and offending me with words I really don't love to hear because they really hurted my heart a lot and am thinking about breaking this friendship

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    I cried today because i really miss my gran and wish i could change things before she died x

    16 years ago

    I [feel like I] might cry because of the song I'm listening to- "There You'll Be" by Faith Hill. It reminds me of Pearl Harbor, and that movie was so sad and I cry everytime I watch it. :)

  • DeathsRose
    16 years ago

    I cried today because I am sick and have been for 10 days and I don't know when I am going to get better and it sucks because I can't go out and enjoy my vacation with my fiance because I am stuck in the house feeling crappy and sick.

  • Coldstone
    16 years ago

    My cell phone was stolen n i miss it soooo much:(

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    2 reasons..

    1] i left eric after 6 days with him..it was so hard

    2] this song came on the radio after i FINALLY stopped crying from leaving eric's house. and it was one we listen to together, so i lost it again..lol

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    16 years ago

    I cried today because I'm over my dad trying to buy my love and use me, yet I keep going back.

  • heartbrokengrl
    16 years ago

    I cried because i miss my ex but i know i deserve better but i can't get over him :_(

  • Kuro
    16 years ago

    For once...

    i wish i could

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago


    i miss my eric....and i dont know what, but something is wrong. hes been ending our conversations randomly in the middle and now he chose his video game over talking to me....i dont know. maybe he's getting tired of me.....even though he finally told me he loves me 1 week 1 day ago, i dont know..maybe he's starting to feel otherwise...=/ =[

  • DeathsRose
    16 years ago

    I cried yesterday because of a sad episode of "Scrubs" I was watching. But it was a really good episode despite how sad it was.

  • AnCi
    16 years ago

    I cried today because I realized that i will be MUCH better of without him!! (happy tears)

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    16 years ago

    I cried today coz my friend was in a car accident... and now in a coma..

  • DarknessInMySoul
    16 years ago

    I cried today because we got the truth out. I cried because my best friend cried, and he cried. I cried cause i have to be the peace maker instead of the one sitting back. I cried because all of this is so beyond messed up.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    I cried today because my grandma messed up my birth control pill so i started my period a week early while i was at school...with NOTHING to uhm....protect my undies x.x and i had way bad cramps. so basically i was pissed!

    and then i cried because im all emotional because im tired. lol. and american idol just randomly made me cry =p

    and i cried because im all giddy because:
    1] its me and eric's 4 month anniversary
    2] my mom called and told me shes pregnant with child 5 =]

  • Teria
    16 years ago

    american idol made me cry a bit too. haha

    but, i cried today because i found out that my grandma's nodules have grown and multiplied in some means. they're taking her off injections and putting her on a hormonal pill she was on before the injections. which stopped the growth. the injections are what triggered it. if these pills don't work she may have to do chemo.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    I cried because eric promised me he wouldnt get drunk at this party he went to tonight. and he did anyway. and he KNOWS how much is hurts me..and even though hes drunk, he called me and could still tell i'm pissed....because 2 different times i've been cheated on while my bf at that time was drunk....ugh....now all i keep thinking about is he'll do it too..i dont think i'd be able to handle that pain at all..the other 2 meant nothing to me compared to eric...

    and on a side note, i've had 4 bfs, 1 gf. the 2 that lasted over a week cheated on me, 1 bf and my 1 gf both lasted less then a week, so obviously they didnt cheat. and now me and eric have been together 4.5 months, and i'm terrified he'll find someone better too...=[


  • Courtney
    16 years ago

    I cried today because I read a poem that reminded me how lonely I really feel.

  • Liz
    16 years ago

    I cried today bc a little part inside me hurt, but y? i hurt alot alot of the time but today i let it come out in tears for a while everthing but god seems wrong

  • Not Enough
    16 years ago

    I cried today becasue my teacher told me how he felt about our "teacher-student" relationship...

  • BlackIris
    16 years ago

    I'm not crying, but I miss her..

  • Blackstar
    16 years ago

    I miss my boyfriend
    And i can't see him
    after that i cried because im actually so happy
    with him.. :)

  • AnCi
    16 years ago

    I cried happy tears today because i finally realized that I am better off on my own =)

  • c 0 n f u s e d
    16 years ago

    Because.. of something i saw on TV
    heheh .

  • Aimz
    16 years ago

    I cried HAPPY tears today, because my fiancee was injured in war and got shot in the stomach, lost the sight in his right eye and might have a head injury -but at least he came home to me and he is still alive.

    I am so grateful that he came home and I know that we love and need one another now more than ever.

  • BitterXSweetness
    16 years ago

    I cried cuz ... Nope nothing was as horrible as what I just read. I read TPAM's story. O.O I'm so sorry Tpam. That's exactly y I could NEVER date any1 in the services. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BitterXSweetness
    16 years ago

    My bf and I broke up and I thought that maybe we could stay friends but umm... he actually doesn't want 2 really talk 2 me anymore bcuz he says that I bring up 2 many memories and he doesn't want 2 think about them. He loves me 2 much and it hurts him 2 hear my voice and 2 see me. So I guess that we can't even be friends. But that's ok, bcuz it was my choice 2 break up right?

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    I cried today because me and grandma were moving the bed that my boyfriend will have once he moves in into his room to be, and she dropped the head board onto my toe =[ lol

  • BitterXSweetness
    16 years ago

    ^ lol I don't mean 2 laugh TPAM but that's kinda funny. =D

    I cried cuz I broke the love of my life's heart =( Yeah I can really be a jerk T.T

  • BitterXSweetness
    16 years ago

    Cuz I really want 2 cut but I know that I can't cuz I have a doctors appointment and she's going 2 give me a physical. T.T Oh yea & my mom beat me with a garbage can cuz she was standing up 4 my jerk father, even though I'm her freaking daughter, she doesn't ever listen 2 me. But no, he's ALWAYS right! They're all assholes!!! I can't freaking stand her, and I HATE HIM!!!

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    Everything is getting too much for my head to handle. People are bringing me down and are not caring if they are. I need a friend. One that doesnt know anything about whats going on. A fresh perspective. I am sad...

  • Allie
    16 years ago

    I couldn't cry today...people around...

    But I want to cry because my best guy friend who I love to death is sticking up for me, so he can still be friends with me while dating this really awful girl who isn't right for him at all. :(

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    16 years ago

    I cried today because i miss having my dad around and because of who my bestfriend has turned into

    and cause my mum is taking me to travel half of the south island of nz and we have like no money atm...

  • Willow
    16 years ago

    I cried last night because i went completely skitzo at my friend cause he didn't understand it how itmportnant it was that i lost this much weight. i refused to get back in the car with him. i was a complete bithc. my friend stayed with me and we went and chilled out on the strand. we i returned home at 9 i just couldn't stop crying to my other friend (his girlfriend) bout wat i did. (she was there and she understand completely). she told me she got up him and my other male friend who was in the car with us got up him too. which was sweet to know. but i ended up texting this big apology to him and he called me and i started to cry al over again. he kept telling me how sorry he was and how he should be more considerate of my feelings. after bout an hour of talking to him he had me laughing again.
    then this morning i feel like crying cause my parents might be splitting up.

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    16 years ago

    Because i failed again.