broken reflection
16 years ago
Please i need help moving on. |
Baby Rainbow
16 years ago
Keep busy, it will help more than you think, and before you know ti somethig else will come along for you to think about instead xx |
The Lonely Rose
16 years ago
Moving on: |
Shellaine shelli
16 years ago
Break ups are never easy but something i have made myself realize is that no one deserves your tears and the person that does would never make you cry, guys will come and go through out life but its your true friends that will be there forever. |
Shellaine shelli
16 years ago
I think what i said was misinterpreted, how i what i meant by "no one deserves your tears and the person that does would never make you cry" is no one deserves to be hurt, if you're in a relationship where you feel unhappy, get heart broken or what ever then you cant honestly say that person is worth the tears... |
16 years ago
I hated it when everyone said time'll heal a broken heart <__< [still do]. It doesn't really, but the pain gradually subsides, thankfully. |
16 years ago
Honestly. |
15 years ago
You just need to go with the flow, and later in time you'll move on. It'll probably take awhile but hey; you'll be moving on as soon as know it ;] keep yeah head up high!! |
Love Panda
15 years ago
Feel the pain, write a kick as poem - or alot like i did..that helped me get over my and friends help loads! what ever you do dont be by yourself for long periods of time as then ya mind races as what could of been done to prevent all the pain..replaying arguments and with some friends - they'd know how it feels, how bad it is and how to take your mind off things, |