Shattered - getting over someone.

  • broken reflection
    16 years ago

    Please i need help moving on.

    the anguish that is him in my heart, is too much, i need to get over him, and anything that can be said or done that can help me please tell!!!

    :( .

  • Gwen
    16 years ago

    Well, I'm sure U probably hear this a lot before, but if U give it time, then U could forget about him as the time past by.

  • kelleyana
    16 years ago

    The best ways to get over him is to give your heart to another or simple started hanging out with your friends, meet more people so that you can see other horizons. Also, you must know that we can never completely erase the past from our memories.

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    Keep busy, it will help more than you think, and before you know ti somethig else will come along for you to think about instead xx

  • The Lonely Rose
    16 years ago

    Moving on:

    2 cups of Time.
    1/2 cup of Tissues.
    1/2 cups of Blanket
    2 tsp of Tears
    1 tsp of ice cream and movie
    and a dash of a few dates

    Mix together and bake at 350 degress Farienheight for till brown. Then after cool down enjoy your treat. lol xD

    And don't forget to be strong about it.

  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago

    Time will not heal wounds, wounds that are left open will keep a memory alive , and memory's good and bad are one of the greatest things , keep every memory, then move on

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Break ups are never easy but something i have made myself realize is that no one deserves your tears and the person that does would never make you cry, guys will come and go through out life but its your true friends that will be there forever.

    I know its really hard and painful to go through but the time you spend on being sad is time you can never get back so take what you've learnt from this relationship and move onto bigger and better things cos you deserve it!!!!

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    I think what i said was misinterpreted, how i what i meant by "no one deserves your tears and the person that does would never make you cry" is no one deserves to be hurt, if you're in a relationship where you feel unhappy, get heart broken or what ever then you cant honestly say that person is worth the tears...

    obviously no one is perfect and there will come a time in life where just about everyone you know could potentially hurt you in some way even if it isn't intentional but in terms of the original post she doesn't deserve some one who would hurt her.

  • AnCi
    16 years ago

    Well i'm gonna go with a chlisée (don't know how it is spelled)... TIME will heal it

  • Chris
    16 years ago

    I hated it when everyone said time'll heal a broken heart <__< [still do]. It doesn't really, but the pain gradually subsides, thankfully.

    Try not to think about him so much. Sounds impossible, but doing things that don't remind you of him will help, even if you think everything reminds you of him. =b Listening to music always cleared my head. [ WOO avril xD ]

    Good luck, and i'm always here to talk.. well not here, overe in my house. But you can reach me through this.. not my house.. O___O please.


  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    16 years ago

    theres no cuer to get over someone,
    you have to go through the pain embrace it
    and learn from it
    i think back to when me and my first true love ever ended, i wanted to die, i couldnt breathe sleep nothing
    but thenoneday it stops hurting.
    i learnt so much from it
    as you will too.
    stop looking for a way, to get over it.
    cause when deep down your hearts ready to let go,
    thats when it will stop hurting,
    not a moment before

  • CountlessMoments
    15 years ago

    You just need to go with the flow, and later in time you'll move on. It'll probably take awhile but hey; you'll be moving on as soon as know it ;] keep yeah head up high!!

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Feel the pain, write a kick as poem - or alot like i did..that helped me get over my and friends help loads! what ever you do dont be by yourself for long periods of time as then ya mind races as what could of been done to prevent all the pain..replaying arguments and with some friends - they'd know how it feels, how bad it is and how to take your mind off things,

    my mate used to pick me up and we'd drive for hours, then just park up by the sea randomly..just sit ther - quiet for hours just watching the ocean..she helped me alot! made me see the truth about everything.

    peace & love angel,
    i know how bad it hurts...i almost died of starvation with my last trust me when i say it does get better.

    if non of that helped, you could always go slash his tires - rub peppers in his clothes(if you get a chance)
    or do some light magic to heal and sooth you quicker..
