Am I a bad person?

  • tami
    15 years ago

    I really hate my life. Am I a bad person for that? Am I selfish because there are worse off than me?
    My friend said I'm selfish...I don't your opinions

  • Baby Rainbow
    15 years ago

    I dont think your bad no, and i actually dont thnk its selfish, i think it just means your very unhappy and need to work on ways to make you happy and do things you enjoy. if you dont like somehting then change it. xx

  • Marcus blake
    15 years ago

    "sluvious" Bad no, selfish yes. 99.9 % of all people are hate your life, take steps to make it lovable, stop complaining so damn much and live, if you can't do that, then yes you're bad as well.

    this was probaly somewhat true to a point but if carfully listen to the probelm the person is'nt complaining. there simply saying that there existence in this world is fake, unmeaningful, etc. when people start to renouce thereselves from life they begin to question everything about themselves. in my opion your not selfish, your nor selfish for thinking that there's nothing for you that your the only one feeling the pain. we can't help you fully it is'nt us who are feeling the melanchonly your going though try to look for that little light in the darkness you see and find some peace cause you not Insignificant your alive so you exist and its our purpose live.

  • sweetluvnsuicide
    15 years ago

    Your not selfish. . just misunderstood. .

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "I really hate my life. Am I a bad person for that?"

    ^ You're not a bad person. Obviously you're going through a hard time & are unhappy. It's natural & your response is natural too. You won't always feel that way. You just have to think positively & try to change your life. This all depending why you "hate" your life in the first place, some things are easier said than done. Hopefully your situation is only trivial & temporary so that you can overcome this feeling of "hate".

    "Am I selfish because there are worse off than me?"

    ^ You are absolutly not selfish at all. You acknowledge that there are other people who are worse off; who have or had lived a harsher life. Good for you for that realization, that's one step closer to changing your view of your life & your life itself in general.

  • Rozzy
    15 years ago

    That One Guy, question... what if it's out of your hands?

  • Saving Grace
    15 years ago

    Your not a bad person. Or selfish for that matter. There are many people out there who dont like there life. You're just going through some bad and rough times so maybe just take some time to (like above) take those steps to make your life more enjoyable. But you're most certainetly not a selfish or bad person in my opinion. Stay strong.

  • Andy loves Jesus
    15 years ago

    I dont think your a bad person! I don't really know you.. but I really dont think you are.

    Just know this though, you are who you are.. you do what you do.. because God made you just the way he wanted you to be.

    Now you can change, the way you feel about yourself.. start loving yourself.. and also realize.. That God will be there to help you find what he wants you to do.. God is the only one who can say who is bad.. and is the only judge in life.

    So if you find him, and you ask him that question, he would just tell you how much he loves you.. and that no matter what you've done he'll forgive you for it.. So dear friend, you are soo not a bad person. You are an amazing child of a Wonderful God who loves and cherishes everyone.

  • meliLOVE
    15 years ago

    No i dont think your a bad person but if you hate your life then why dont you change the part that you hate? i use to be very depressed you can tell by the way i would right my poems but i took a step forward and decided to stop talking about how horrible my life is and change it.. If you hate your life guess what thats something you can change.

  • XxBAYBiiGiRLxX
    15 years ago

    I believe life is what you make of it and everything happens for a reason.....
    If you hate your life so much do something to change it... do something you enjoy....... I have said that i hate my life so many times but from hearing some other peoples life stories i realize i got it so good compaired to them..... Life has it's ups and downs but if you always look at the bad you will never have the life thats good......

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    You're not a bad person for hating your life, but the key is the remember that, no matter what, things could always be worse. Thats pretty much what I tell myself. At times I can't stand my situation, you know, I hate the people around me, hate where the road has taken me, and don't see the point in anything anymore. But ultimately, I just tell myself "Well, I could be dead." or something to that effect and it tends to sober me up for my down in a hole mentality.

    Its just all about realizing the benefits you do have, and making the best of the hurdles God throws your way.

    "it never is, you control your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings."

    ^^ In response to that, I will say from personal experience, being a bipolar, thats not always quite the case. Yeah, you have a sense of control, but its not always quite so complete and full.

  • Shellaine shelli
    15 years ago

    Yeah i also agree that you're not a selfish person. i mean yeah no matter what you go through there is always someone out there who is going through a harder time but sometimes you just gotta focus on yourself before you can on other people, use other peoples stories as inspiration, use your experiences to prove to yourself that you are a survivor and never care what people think.

    when you feel min your heart that you are a selfish person then thats when you probably are but look at your life and think of the ways which you can better it. the time you spend on being sad and hating your life is precious time that you can never get back so make sure you live it to the full.

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    We all come into periods of our lives when we just hate everything about it so nooo you are not selfish.. but you need to focus on the good things instead of the bad things and it will get better =)

  • Teria
    15 years ago

    "What if it's out of your hands?

    ^it never is, you control your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings. Some love dwelling in darkness, others find ways to see the light. It just takes determination and diligence....there's no quick fix pill to give you a better quality of life other than swallowing one false sense of doom"

    ^ I do agree with this. But sometimes people feel as if it's out of their hands. Emotional boundries are set by the human brain, when those are crossed then you're stuck not knowing what to do. You have to figure it out. But, in the mean time you feel as if you're world is crashing and as if you have no control over it.

    To the original poster:
    You're not a bad person. And, you're no more selfish than anyone else in this world. To be honest, I don't think you're selfish at all. Being unhappy with life isn't selfish. Wallowing in your own pity for weeks in and weeks out, months in and months out (you get the point..) - that means you're selfish.

    There are exceptions to that though, certain times when those boundries are crossed it takes time to pick yourself back up. But, you can't let yourself go. That would make you selfish. BUT, At the same time I think in certain cases there's exceptions to that as well. The death of a loved one (husband, wife, son, daughter, etc) takes more than time to heal. Sometimes people going through that do have to let themself go for sometime before they can pick themself back up and go on with life. So, I guess it depends on the situation.

    From my knowledge you don't seem selfish nor a bad person. Just get your head up and keep it up, darling.