15 years ago
1. If ghosts go through walls, why don't they fall through the floor?
-- Pretty sure they can...
2. When you feel down, why do people ask what's up?
-- What's up, referring to what's up on your mind? What's up isn't always meaning a high, could mean whats on the top of your mind, problems etc.
3. How are children supposed to take medicine if it's meant to be kept out of their reach?
-- Parent's administration
4. Why do people talk about "girlie" things but never "boyie" things?
--Boyie sounds too feminine
5. Why do we hang our clothes on a washing line and not a drying line?
-- It's where the washing goes, hence the name?
6. Why do a fat chance and a slim chance mean the same thing?
-- Depends context.
7. Why does "dyslexia" have to be so hard to spell?
--Because if you can spell your condition you are cured.
8. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
-- Failed.
9. In horse racing, why do they award the rider and not the horse?
-- It takes the rider to control the horse.
10. Why is abbreviation such a long word?
-- Google it.
1. Is there really life after death?
-- Depends your own view.
2. What is the meaning of life?
-- Again, depends your own view.
3. Its not 'What is the meaning of life', but what is the answer to life?
-- The answer to life is whatever you want the question to be. =] ha.
4. If we want to know the answer to life, then what is the question to the answer of life?
-- Whatever you want to ask.
5. Why do they ban Smoking advertisements, when Alcohol (which is just as bad) advertisements are allowed?
-- Smoking is more addictive than alcohol I think, and more people smoke than drink maybe?
6. What is Love? Can you estimate it? (i don't want replies like 'love is forever, boundless - how do you judge Love? Can it be judged as so?)
-- Love can be judged. Love is probably judged on intensity of feeling, and love is an emotion I think.
7. I think i'm missing the point of these questions.
-- Lol.