
  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Hey guys and gals,

    so like over at the feedback and suggestions forum there is a post about the possibility of starting up a voluntary mentoring system in here. How it might work is being discussed there right now so i won't repeat it all again, but basically, it is a way to improve ones writing and so i thought i'd post a headsup here as well.

    If anyone wants to become a mentor, if you think you are experienced and skilled enough, or you are good at critique, then get involved, we have 3 mentors already. If you feel you could use a little focussed attention to improve your writing in a specific area, then ask away.

    I'm a mentor and i'm being mentored, so it's not an elistist thing.

    Hope to hear from some of you.


  • Caleb
    19 years ago

    I would like to mentor. I don't think I'm quite experienced enough, but I do know good poems when I see them. I am also a decent critique. I don't think people deserve 5's unless the poem is amazing, which, for the most part, most aren't.

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Great idea, unfortunately I've only been writing poetry for a month or so. However, if anyone wants critique on short stories etc, I'd be glad to help.

  • ¤©h€€®ƒüll¥♥©¥ñ!c@l¤
    19 years ago

    A mentor could be really helpful to me. I'd love to have one.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Do not despair.

    And care not what i might think...just do it with no fear....i will be honoured either way,

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    It's cool Donald, no one it teaching anyone how to be a better's more like having another person involved that might help you to push yourself and try new things...or, when the reader, who is the mentor, see's something they think it really well done they say so and perhaps get the writer to focus on that.

    No parties to poop my friend.

    And Erisa, just sign you have a particular area you'd like to mentor in?