I miss him

  • Amber
    16 years ago

    All i can do is cry.
    Its been almost a month since he broke up with me, but something tells me he still cares.
    I keep ruining my chances with him by making him angry at me.
    I just want him back.
    He knows I love him
    And he still cares about me.
    He just doesn't like the fighting and jealousy.
    I dont know what to do.
    How can i make him realize that i will change?
    I have been in constant depression since we broke up and I need to know what to do.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    "How can i make him realize that i will change?"

    "I keep ruining my chances"

    You have 2 choices, accept that it just didn't work out or stop saying things will change and actually change them.

  • TeenXLoveXTragedy
    16 years ago

    Everything happens for a reason. You shouldnt have to change for someone to make them love you. You'll find someone who cares about you just the way you are..someone that you can talk to about problems in your relationship. Just remember, you have to stand up for yourself..dont give in if you dont want to.
    I hope it works out

  • Kelsie
    16 years ago

    If he doesnt like the fighting and the jealousy show him that you are willing to change to make things work with him. Show him that he means more to you than any of that other trivial stuff. You cannot make him realize you will change, if you want him to see it then you will need to do it yourself.

  • Hellie
    16 years ago

    i have been through something similar.
    and your way better than he is.
    dont change for him, find someone else you will accept you for who you really are.
    if you need anymore help feel free to you know, message me.

  • CountlessMoments
    15 years ago

    Stop making him mad and start being real. Be who your gunna be. If your gonna be a change person, start talking to him as a changed person.

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    Cry until there are no more tears, life will eventually
    move on.

  • Krathia
    15 years ago

    Just love him. Fighting and jealousy were never part of the deal.

  • Nanita
    15 years ago

    I agree.. First of all, quit "running your chances".

    Then the fighting and the jealousy? Come on.
    Trust him. If he's with you and you KNOW he loves you, don't worry. He's not going anywhere. Unless, you make him angry.

    It all takes patience. If he sees you've changed like you say you have, he'll realize that you really meant it and then come back.

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago

    "People don't change."

    People DO change.

    ^ People don't change. They conform. They conform so much they break away into pieces of nothingness and lose their own meaning, values and principles - just like someone I once loved. Change is a big word: people can change their ways and their attitudes, but inside lives the same person