How do you determine a good read?

  • Rolo
    15 years ago

    How do you personally determine whether or not a poem is "good", or an enjoyable read? Which aspects do you find appealing? And which do you dislike?

    Just wondering :]


  • LoreNz0
    15 years ago

    Well if ur referring to ur own poem e.i. after youv finished writing it, i think if it carries the message or gives the impression that you where aiming for then it has been 'successful' in that respect.
    i personally sometimes like to structure my poems a certain way so if iv also been able to keep within the boundries iv set then i also feel i have succeeded.

    on the other hand if you mean reading some1 elses poem similarly if you feel u undersand wht the poet was trying to convey then u can say its 'successful'. i like rhyming poems the most so if the flow and wording is good then i enjoy them.

    i like poems with good imagery and that i can relate to or even 1ns that can cheer me up or mean something to me aswell. its hard to dislike poerty as such but i woudnt like 1 which carries a bad message really.

  • Kuro
    15 years ago

    If it has any impact om my touches me or inspires me ect ect

    i personally like poems that have a point to make. almost like an argument or plight.

  • Rolo
    15 years ago

    I am in agreement....I was thinking more along the lines of a poem you are reading. I tend to look for meaning...I don't really care how it is expressed, as long as I can find it.

  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    Often it is the imagery created. If it makes me feel happy, because of the word choice or the images flowing throughout then that is normally a good read for me.

    It's hard to describe really :S

  • Teria
    15 years ago

    I usually think poems are good, to be honest. But, when I think a poem is great/excellent then it's got to be a really, really, really good poem. A lot of things spark my interest to make a poem good. Emotionally, grammatically, all of that stuff. I think that I repeat myself a lot of times in comments because I look for the same things. Good imagery, good emotion, good flow, and good editing/revising.

    When a poem is great/excellent it's all of these plus that oomph. What oomph really is? I don't know, it just means that the connection from me to the poem is huge and I love it for some reason.

  • XxBAYBiiGiRLxX
    15 years ago

    Rhythm, flow and meaning!!!

  • Dark Secrets
    15 years ago

    Something that makes me live the feeling, think, wonder or just feel good about myself...
    Aspects appealing in a poem for me are the tittle (very important) if it catches my eye than I'm sure to read it. Details or moving from one emotion or topic to another by a connection not usually put in. New things, phrases and ways of writing and the length, it doesn't bother me when I'm in the mood to read something but when I want something simple I like it short, but not too short like three lines except in some cases ( mostly the choice of words) make me read and comment it. The other thing I don't like is too much spacing or too little spacing, I can't concentrate that way.

  • Cale
    15 years ago

    For me I like to relate to the poem. And the writer has to have really feeling and emotion. You can always tell when the feelings are made up. And sometimes a writer can ruin a poem by forcing rhymes and throws it off. That is mostly what makes a good read

  • Baby Rainbow
    15 years ago

    I like poems that flow well, i think it makes it more easier and enjoyable to read if it has a good flow. also subjects that are moving and powerful reach out to me and think if they are written well it makes an excellent poem. x

  • Nee
    15 years ago

    Mostly metaphors, similes and flow.

  • Rocky
    15 years ago

    I like poems where thewriter carries you away into hes mind. where you can see and feel what he is writing about. i like unusually structured poems where the poets written the poem around how he feels not simply made how he feels conform to the poem.

  • Kuro
    14 years ago

    You can tell it was a good read if after reading it,

    you just sit there in silence for another 10-20 seconds thinking to yourself about what had just happened.

    (a poem is only a success if somebody can understand it.)

  • Rusheena
    14 years ago

    I think a good read is a poem that's worth remebering, something that I'd want to look back on from time to time. I personally don't like poems that are just rant poems (you know the ones that name names and sound like the writer is talking to another person).

  • chind
    14 years ago

    I click into the poem, and the first thing i look at is its length, how long each line is, and any little notes attached to the bottom of it.

    When i see a long poem, i read the first 2 stanza's and if i feel like it has captured me, then i continue reading, if not, i stop.

    When i see a poem that is just one long passage, i generally dont read it because i like structure.

    Poems with a rhyme do add to the affect, however it doenst really matter.

    A good read for me is when i read something unexpected and it kind of makes me go "WOW THATS COOL" or just leaving me speechless for a few seconds like "WOW......"
    I like reading poems that are kinda like a story, because it has a beginning middle and end, and its easy to see that.

    Majority of the poems i have read here and good reads, they each have something good about them!

  • Spirit
    14 years ago

    It has to make me think.

    It doesn't matter how long it is, if it rhymes, or if I agree with it. If I find myself thinking about that poem later (whether thoughts are good or bad) then to me it is a good poem. It motivated me enough to give it a second thought.

    Does that make any sence to anybody else?

  • selene
    14 years ago

    Anything that makes me think and feel. Something different than I've experienced before. I detest cliches and a lot of poems on this site are riddled with them unfortunately. But enough aren't! So I stay interested.