Kaitlin Kristina
19 years ago
I don’t want to know who people's favorites are; there are tons of posts on that already. Answer these honestly and constructively, and if you feel like write why.
1. Which poet is the most under rated?
2. Which is the most over rated?
3. Who is the most philosophical?
4. Which poet leaves the biggest impression?
5. Which poet just gets to you (in a good way), and you don’t quite know why?
6. Which poet is the most likely to become renowned for their work and go down in history?
7. Which poem is most likely to receive worldwide acclaim, such as "The Raven?"
8. Which poet is the most intellectually stimulating?
9. Whose poems/ poets just flat out don’t make much sense to you?
10. Which poet stirs the most emotion?
11. Which poet is the most stimulating writer, where you can see and feel everything that they say?
12. Who is the BEST DAMN POET on this whole site?
13. Who is a poet that you would just like to mention? And say why.
14. Which poet is ahead of their time and will only be understood after they are dead?
15. If you were jealous of one poet on this site for their talent, who would it be? And say exactly wh.?
16. Which poet has the most potential and raw talent?