Attetion pls...

  • Sweet lig
    16 years ago

    ..... im so much depressed and now i already try to make suicide because i cant handle this so much stress in my life anymore and i cried so much and my heart still in pain i feel very heavy and seems i cant breath.

    i would like some words of releasing this pain of mine. im about depressed of everything.. love, family and job..but mostly family that really make me so much depressed,, i think they didnt love me so i tried to make suicide.

    well i need someone leave me a little msg here to ease this pain .thank u

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    First of all... DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE!
    It doesn't make a point, it makes life pointless, and it makes you seem weak to everyone.
    Talk to your family about your problems, if you can't do it personally, do it annonymously or on the phone or messenger. But talk to them.
    If you really can't talk to your family then go to someone you could rely on like a friend or someone in the neibourhood. You have to let out your feelings to someone, even if it's a teacher or therapist.
    You have to get out, have some fun, go to a nearby park or somewhere peaceful to get your mind rid of all the negative things like suicide even if you go alone. The sea has always been a peaceful place for me to go and throwing rocks into the sea releases stress.
    Find out the source of the stress and take things slowly and easily. Like if you have a lot of things to do and that's causing stress write down a list and do them one by one. If it's someone who's causing the stress talk to them about it. If it's just some thought that's bothering you, find a solution to it.
    I wish you all the best, pm me anytime you like if you want to talk.

  • Shellaine shelli
    16 years ago

    Just stay strong and no that no matter what kind of battle you are facing there is always someone out there who is going through so much more.

    we All have hard times in life and feel like we should give up but we need to be grateful because in comparison to others most of us go through nothing really.

    just think about that. suicide is never the answer... next time you feel that way just ask yourself what will it prove by taking your life...

  • Pamela
    16 years ago

    Suicide.. how weak!

    NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER even THINK of suicide again!!!

    You might think no one cares for you, but you don't know how bad you will hurt the people around you by commiting suicide!!

    Okay, next point... you're obviously some sort of depressed. You should WRITE it off of you if you can't talk to the people who caused your depression. You really need to help yourself.

    Helping yourself... how do you do that? Well I've come up with this:
    1. Get someone else to help you.
    2. Be YOURSELF! because depressions often are a result of you not being yourself or you not being confident enough to be yourself. Be confident, if people don't like it, it's their problem, not yours.
    3. Help other people. It makes you feel needed.
    4. Tell other people you don't feel well. That makes them go easier on you and it makes them help you

    Girl, come on. There's so much to live for.

    If none of this helps:
    5. Move away and start ALL OVER.

  • Sweet lig
    16 years ago

    Thanks to all who leave an inspiring msg here it really means a lot to me and now im a bit ok and try to over come all this hard feelings.

    i know we only have one chance and one life to live, there are just time that i was so weak because we are just a human. sometimes we are confident that we are a strong person but there are times that we also give up..

    thank u so much......

  • Pamela
    16 years ago

    I think as a real human we don't want to die. If we would think with the natural thoughts, we would do whatever it takes to survive and live.

    Anyways, I'm happy you think you shouldn't die. It's just plain silly, isn't it?

  • Teria
    16 years ago

    "a persons real strength can only be visible during their weakness moments...."

    ^^ How true is that!

    I don't think it could have been said better, sluvious.

  • Saving Grace
    16 years ago

    Suicide is just a permanant outcome to a temporary problem...

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Dont do it.. you have so much to do still in this life. and who knows what could have been if your gone and not able to enjoy things?

    Hint* go outside!
    4 some reason when im depressed it helps really!

    and if you dont think you can do this on your own maby look into councling.