
  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    If there is something that you want to get of of your chest post it here.

    Vent: I hate cheese, and if any of my friends make fun of me one more time for taking it off of my pizza I'm positive that I'll blow a gasket.

    ok I feel better
    Anyone else

  • Kuro
    15 years ago

    I hate pizza in general. i know i know.

    but people should get over themselves. why should the care about what type of food i like or dislike?

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    Vent: I hate it when people try to convert you because they don't think that your religion is as good as there's. I live in a counrty where there is a tollerance of religion, so you know what tollerate it gosh dang it. oh yeah I'm roman catholic

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    HEY anybody else out there have something that they need to get off of there chest?

  • The Sky is Falling
    15 years ago

    I hate dumb *#%$ who talk about you then act like they love you to your face :| makes me want to punch them in the face :D with a smile

  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    Vent: I hate myself. Not because of me, or my body, but because I have plenty of time to do things and I waste it. Like now. I should be revising for an exam tomorrow, or packing kit, or cleaning my room. But I'm here writing this vent. Grrrrr.

    Slightly better now, but I've realised I've got loaaaads to do tonight >.<

  • Spirit
    15 years ago



    Ok I feel better now

  • Spirit
    15 years ago


    I hate cops, and speeding tickets

  • InvisiblyHeartless
    15 years ago

    I hate..I despise how I can't do this and he won't stop asking why.

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    I hate it when people talk about their "PERSONAL" lives right infront of you. it drives me up the wall. It's your own life leave the rest of the world out of it.

    And mimes who make fun of people on their cellphones make me laugh.

  • Gem
    15 years ago

    Vent alert... back away...

    i HATE it when people assume thin people are horrible! I have had to sit and listen to Marcus's sister drunkely talk about how all thin people are twigs and men don't find that type of girl attractive at all, they like curves and a bit of meat (which i have nothing against btw) and that thin girls always cry off and have a cesaeran (can't spell) cos they can't give birth naturally

    Never mind i'm sat there and i'm very thinn (not by choice, i would do anything for bigger boobs, haha. Although i have a reasonable bum, haha) I am what you would call a 'twig' although i'm sure there are nicer ways of putting it. Plus one of her other sisters Mel, is the spit of me except three years older and her breasts are smaller than mine!!

    Sure, typically thin girls are seen as bitchy but some of us have feelings and i don't need her typecasting us all in one boat especially in front of my fiancee and future in laws who (apart from Mel) are 'curvy'!

    Some of is aren't thin by choice! And thin people can be attractive and pretty too! Get stuffed!!!



  • Hatori
    15 years ago


    I'm sorry, but seriously!! Why should a 35 year old man be flirting and dancing about with a damn 14 year old? I mean sure, she might be sweet and all that crap and that age shouldn't be a factor, but society demands that it is. I don't give a darn whether or not they love each other... it's just WRONG. I mean, the ... of a man could go to jail and what's left for the rest of his friends?? Nothing!!! We lose him all because she felt it was necessary to get closer to someone she's not even meant to be with.

    Besides... she's a ......... anyways and should be confined to a small room with minimal light and only a slice of molding bread each week >_>

    Darnit, she pisses me off so much...

    [Please refrain from using profain language. Thank you.]

  • Freckles
    15 years ago

    I absolutely hate when people see me and constantly comment on how thin I am!! It's not my fault if I eat but never gain weight!! And when 'advice' me to eat more. OMG how is THAT any of THEIR business?? I ignore their comments but they get on my nerves!!
    that helped =) hehe.

  • yblehs
    15 years ago

    people should get a life, if i wanted to talk to you, you'd know it.

  • TheRevelation
    15 years ago

    I wish that things were less complicated with this guy I like, because it won't ever happen, but it won't.

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    I wish people would just say what is on their mind rather than annoy the heck out of you because they want you to "GUESS".

  • yblehs
    15 years ago

    Vent: I'm a freaking dork.

  • Yuna
    15 years ago

    Vent: Why does love have to be so damn confusing all the time? I don't inderstand it at all. I thought that I didn't need love to be happy, but I need it. I crave it. Maybe that makes me a bad person, but I'm just so tired of all this drama surrounding love, why do I have to enjoy it so much if all it brings is pain?? Why must I lose the friends I used to have, because of unwanted feelings that I seem to need?? I HATE THIS!! I WANT MY FRIENDS BACK!!!

  • InvisiblyHeartless
    15 years ago

    Vent: Why does seeing his name hit me hard? It's been over for a long time. He hates me, and yet I still want to cry over it. I've tried... He still doesn't care. Why can't I get over it? It's stupid!! Just because I messed up a couple of times... gahhhh

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    Vent: FIGHT F.O.C.A. (Freedom of Choice Act)- leagullizes abortion NO MATTER WHO(age) OR (((WHEN))). This is wrong and to find out more you can P.M. me.

    Ok I feel better

    [Please no advertising of sites]

  • CanUKissAwayMyPain
    15 years ago

    Vent: i freakn HATE it wen ppl freakn judge me already without knowing shit bout me. by the way i dress they think i'm emo. the type of songs i hear they think im this.
    n my mother always wanting to change WHO I AM. she doesnt accpet that this is WHO I AM. she say ohh.. you look more prettie if u put this on. or that on. u'll look like a girl. im like WTF i am a girl just not the gurlie type of girl.
    n ppl saying that age matters wen u r going out with someone. for me it doesnt. i realie shouldnt care what they think but somehow i do. i like this chick she's 18 im 15. i realie dnt think thatz a problem but they find it . it is one.

    omg i realie do feel better. god this helps. thank..

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Pfft, haters.

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    Vent: Darien's a hypocrite!!!!! lol you know there's somethin you wanna vent about xP

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol, but that doesnt meant I hate it x P

    Vent: Tuition fees! School should be cheaper, so everyone can go!

  • Amina
    15 years ago

    Im beggining to get fed up with the fact that my mom thinks she can tell me who and who i can't date. im getting fed up but i hate im keeping it from her. it sucks! i have no idea what to do.

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    "Im beggining to get fed up with the fact that my mom thinks she can tell me who and who i can't date. im getting fed up but i hate im keeping it from her. it sucks! i have no idea what to do."

    If you don't like your mom's rules, move out.
    When you live on your own, you make your
    own rules!

    Vent: I got kicked in the leg playing soccer. My leg is swollen now.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Aha i no how that feels lol hope yur leg gets bettr Darien :)

    vent; i know imm not perfect, i never will be. Mehh I dont care what people say about me, im me =D nn i hate the fact im lactose.

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Thanks Avii. You last name is Trinidadian or you're from Trinidad?.. and no one is perfect, so lets all vent together!!!! and being lactose isn't that bad, there's always sherbert icecream!!

    Grumbles: I need food. I can't cook! I need to learn!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Oh wait, yeh im from trinidad, not my last name :) i take you prob are ? or..

    naw it aint that badd :) sherbert icecream is the best =D

    aww you cant cook ? :O ill teach you ;p

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Yeah I'm from Trinidad as well.. lol
    What are you going to teach me to cook?..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Ah sweet !
    lol you want to take this convo else ware :P
    && i don't have a clue .... :) lol

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Well the best thing I can make is pasta, and that's pretty easy.. I also make awesome eggs.. lol

    You want me to start a thread for us ?..
    what should I name it ?

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol awesome eggs ;p pasta's not that badd lol

    you want to start a thread? I was thinkingprivate message.. but sure.. but iunno a name's up to you ...

  • CanUKissAwayMyPain
    15 years ago

    Vent: wth am i crying for a stupid guy like him. i shouldnt i really shouldnt but i am. i hate this. i hate feeling like this. my chest hurts. n no ones here for me. the one i thought that wasnt here for me was here. well i greatful for her... but i just ugh. hate feeling crushed.

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    Vent: Ihate/love my life right now. All the good things are dwindling , but the new odd things in it are exciting. Understand?

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    Vent: Ihate/love my life right now. All the good things are dwindling , but the new odd things in it are exciting. Understand?

  • Silent Screams
    15 years ago


    I hate how I can't tell the ones closest to me how I feel.

    I hate how I get mad all the time now.

    I hate how I treat myself and others.

    I hate that I can't write poems anymore.

    I hate that I can't just do my Biochem right now!

    I hate how I let hate effect me.

  • Its a love story
    15 years ago

    Vent: I hate how people talk about my boyfriend behind my back about his past. it ticks me off how they can talk all this crap about him and then look at me and smile to my face! Just because the guy has a past doesnt mean that he is a bad person and you people need to back off and get a life and stop worrying about mine.

  • Pamela
    15 years ago


    I hate how people judge you and never ever seem to change their minds, because they're too proud. Hell no am I the person I was 4 years ago!! I'm not even the same person I was 1 year ago!! Damn you judgers and labelers

  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago


    Vent- I wish he would tell me what he thinks, and how he feels about me. I wish my mom would ease up, I'm not a little girl anymore. I wish my dad was actally a father figure in my life, instead of abandoning me. I wish I get to walk across that stage in two months and receive my deploma. Hopefully I can adjust to the college atmosphere and not slack off. I despise my stupid highschool. Writing on bathroom walls is so immature. I wish I could actually fit in somewhere. I wish I could tell him exactly how I feel and he feels the same. Why does life have to be so fusterating. Why can't we all have good lives like shown on TV. 'Cause watching those shows makes me feel like my life is a peice of s@#t.