
  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    Exhale... I feel better.

  • Loved In Hell
    15 years ago

    Vent- *ahem*
    I have tried it ok, i tried doing new things and i have gotten a hold of my life pretty well i tried your way just like you told me too. But there are these huge empty holes and no god****it Im not going to back to my self-pity, depression, "no one understands" me ways, Im sad, Im lonely someone told me that the road to success is is. I miss it I miss having someone with me and be able to just completely give myself over. I don't want to be strong all the time. Nothing that is worthwhile is easy...i learned that the hard way. I am not made of stone just because i don't cry in front of you anymore so stop treating me like a heartless b****. At nyte i still try to occupy my time with other things to keep me from crying or reminiscing that certain someone who can't even f^@%ing txt or call so i can confess my feelings....who won't answer when i txt something is wrong with the phone then e-mail....

    *Deep Breath*

  • Loved In Hell
    15 years ago

    Tell me the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Freckles
    15 years ago

    Vent -

    I wish I could rewind back to two weeks ago when everything was fine. Why aren't you showing me that you cares? Why do I feel like you've moved on after a week? Why can't I bump into you? Why don't I have the guts to call him? WHY WHY WHY..
    I made a big mistake in making you my priority because now that you're gone I'm left with nothing. I'm not ready to throw away everything we built in 3 years. I'm not ready at all. I miss you.

  • Freckles
    15 years ago

    That helped a little. I think.
    Double post oops.

  • chind
    15 years ago

    Gah i hate him so much , as if i will ever talk to him again hmph
    hes so annoying and he doesnt even know it , and he thinks its alright to make remarks about everything people do , but its not and i hate it when he gets into my personal space like seriously , just go away ! argh

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    Vent-I hate working with 30+ little children everday. I'm running out of energy.

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    I hate the tomorrow of today's tomorrow before yesterday. What's the point? Waste of life. Waste of time. Is life full of anything else? Why yes, indeed it is. Does it suck? Not precisely. Or is that an illusion? Who knows? I could do so well in philosophising in values of which the vast minority have scarcely any interest in whatsoever.
    Screw the average person. Their opinion is worthless to society.

  • secrets and lies Xo
    15 years ago

    Venting here about my dislexia.

    Okay sooo i was walking in school minding my own business when this stuck up senior was all like "I wish i have dislexia and i wouldnt have to do crap. They have it so easy with all their dumb classes" This set me off the walls. I have dislexia and discalulexya(the same as dislexia just with numbers) sooo yea overall i just kinda flipped out on him about how just because people can be dislexic doesnt mean they always get treated different and all that jazz.
    ugh it just upsets me sooo much when people say things like this.

    15 years ago

    She is so fake! I hate that she talks to me with such fakeness... but we have to respect our elders... I should have known better from what my fiance told me about her... uggghhh!!

  • Nobodys Hero
    15 years ago

    1) I hate ques...they drive me insane
    2) Stuck up people...I could kill some, I cant stand them
    3) Internet failure.... >.<
    4) When friends cancel plans.... >.>
    5) People always on new diets.... <.<

  • TheRevelation
    15 years ago

    Why do people always have to lie and disrespect simple things, simple questions get decieving answers and i'm sick of it, forget it, i always wear my heart on my sleeve and i always will but i'm sick of people lying and hurting me.

  • what happened to friendships
    15 years ago

    Why is it that you try and be the nicest friend around and then get stabbed in the back. i try be a good friend to someone and then they tell me i am using them when i drive them everywhere. then they say i am lieing to them when i want to hang out with my boyfriend, that i only see on weekends. then when you give them a birthday gift they turn around and give it back and tell you they never want to talk to you again then im you send you text messages all the time to ask how your finals are going. what is up with that?

  • x3 TinyDancer3000 x3
    15 years ago

    Vent: I hate it everytime I talk to my grandma she tells me that I'm fat and should exercise more....which I am a dancer, so I exercise 4 days out of the week.

    Vent: I also hate when my grandma tells me that I'll never make it to be a professional dancer and that I should go to college for something else.

  • Loved In Hell
    15 years ago

    Vent:......(Deep Breath).....what the f you think its better like this?????how is it better just cause you are scared to love me the way you once did...its ok!!!! i have waited here giving you your space and watched you suffer alone. Lean on me again we were there for each other remember!?? We were twins we knew what each other was thinking and when something was wrong we felt it and contacted each other right away. i miss you so friggin much. its almost been a year you already started training for firefighting and i wasn't there when you got the news of acceptance.....How could you....I owe you my life, you saved me from everything i was doing and you showed me how to be strong and be independent and i have been doing fine but i want you here with me. if it wasn't for the promises i made you i would probably be dead somewhere overdosed or slitted saved me. I told you one time i would never give up on you no matter what, you challenged my words so trust me when i say ill never back down from this. Im stubborn and i will never let you go. How much longer is this going to last??? I hate not having you around to talk to, i hate not being apart of your life. I miss the sound of your voice i miss the connection we once had. Remember the first time we said we loved each other? i do. we were both scared but so sincere. I will never let you go so get my hand and lets jump together.

  • Gasttlee
    15 years ago

    I love pizza and have nothing against anyone who doesn't. We're all different. Unfortunately there are too many ignorant people in the world to understand that. And besides everyone has something they don't like. I don't understand some people's obsession with being the exact same as the other because quite frankly those are the ones who are the most bored out of life and that can usually lead to violence and or more ignorance.

  • Spirit
    15 years ago

    I HATE being busy

  • Obscura
    15 years ago


    i want to yell at my dad because he can be so damn out of place sometimes

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    I want to kill something right now.
    Not someone - just something. Start with this computer.

    No friends online. Why doesn't ANYONE spend Friday night in front of their computer into the early hours of the morning?? Why does everyone have to go out all the time?

  • Indian Comma Bean
    15 years ago

    I could really use an out from this town, and everyone around me. Hate having to hide my writing from my friends and family to avoid being alone for the next 2 year sof highschool or going back to a therapist because my parents don't understand why I write poetry. I hate being expected to go to ivy league schools because of my intelligence and being expected to go into a lucrative career I will not like. I can't stand being a metaphoric twin to my best friend intellectually and on almost every other level, yet every girl he likes I like, and later on they tell me how they wish they had fallen for me. I hate having trifocals at 16. I'm getting very annoyed with myself for pushing everyone away because I think no one will understand me. I hate being so self-conscious.

    And I feel a little bit better now.

  • Spirit
    15 years ago


    Ok now that that is out of my system I have enough apace inside to rant.

    What type of psyco school gives students a three paged report over the summer. Hello it's the SUMMER. You know SUMMER right. It the one time in a students life where they don't have to worry about school work.

    Oh but whait there's more. As soon as we get back one teacher gives us a book assighnment, a take home quiz, and a worksheet all to be completed by next week. One teacher informs me that I have a test on the second day of school. Somebody hands out a last school year review (which no one remembered anything about. And to top it off I get Spanish class first everyday. At that te of the morning I can bairly think in English, let alone talk in Spanish.

    Then again I in highschool.

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago


  • Kat
    15 years ago


    I hate how people say, "I support you . . . but I think you should do this instead." Seriously!?! How is that supposed to make me feel supported? Jerkfaces.


  • claire
    15 years ago

    I hate, um, lets see...



    hypocracy (however the hell you spell that)

    not being the smartest person in my science class this year. why is honors chemistry so much harder than honors bio?!?!

    haha kay, im done :)

  • Obscura
    15 years ago

    I hate that i was such a dick to my gf because i went and got drunk instead of spending time with her

  • Obscura
    15 years ago

    I know im a idoit

    i hate it when people are hellbent there right although you know there wrong

  • effervescence
    15 years ago

    I HATE it when people think that JUST because they're better than other people, they should look down on them.

    Like Jazmin, i absolutely DETEST people who are fake. My goodness. Especially short girls who make their voice high and squeaky to seem cute and adorable. Like a hamster. ICK.

    Good job. Now I'm fuming.

  • Brenda
    15 years ago

    [from my point of view; and the stuff I have seen. .]

    I dislike it when people change for the better. but, all they do is brag...instead of putting their "new" morals to good use.

    then I dislike it when people change for the worse; and deny it. while they totally realize that they are hurting the people around them.

  • kaylajoyx3
    15 years ago

    I'm sick of all these anti- psychotic drugs. Sick of the tranquilizers, when all they do is make me numb.
    I want to feel.

  • Jay Perry Jr
    15 years ago

    I hate that just because i had a bad day i took it out on people i love.

  • Megan
    15 years ago

    Vent: im so annoyed of my boyfriend right now, i love him to dealth but ughh he wont help me with anything and doesnt wanna do anything i wanna do.

  • Spirit
    15 years ago