My Room

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    Hi. this is my room. im inviting you into my room. what will you bring into the room with you?

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Lol I bring music and chips ... *GASP* damn, I left the dip @ home! Sorry. lol =P

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    It's ok! I'll bring some dip! and some giant marsh mellows too.

  • Erica
    15 years ago


  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    I'll bring music... and some random squishy toys... 'coz they rawk :D

  • veeda
    15 years ago

    I think i'd bring...lotssss of chocolate. ^_^

    and cookies!! you can't go anywhere without cookies. :]

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    I'm bringing Edward Cullen, because he is much better than dull , non-sparkly cookies.
    Hissssss stay away he's mine!
    So is Jasper.

  • Travis
    15 years ago

    I'll bring myself, and my imaginary friend george

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    Is George a vampire too?
    *cuddles on Edward and Jasper

  • Travis
    15 years ago

    Apparently not, he wants to be a bunny currently
    don't ask why...he has his moments...I guess.

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    Im related to a flying spaghetti monster.

  • Travis
    15 years ago

    That's pretty wicked.

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    Indeed it is.

  • Travis
    15 years ago

    I'm downloading the '81 version of my bloody valentine.

  • Krista
    15 years ago


  • Travis
    15 years ago

    Indeed it is.

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    I like penguins that scream like little girls while being poked with feathers.

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    Ill also bring myself. because im sexeh.

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Hahaha I was going to bring the love, but it seems that has been brought. I would bring movies, but apparently, the only good ones are scary ones and I'm a wuss. haha...



    or just my WII... either one. haha..

  • InvisiblyHeartless
    15 years ago

    I'll bring laughs and coloring books. Of course, I would bring the coloring utensils too..
    Maybe even some Skittles!!

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    I'll also bring my collection of jelly beans.


    Ookay, you can eat the black and white ones.

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    Oh oh i want to play wii! im terrible at it but i want to play!

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Haha okay. it's so much fun... I have like twenty different games. shall I bring them all?

  • mrsmoore
    15 years ago


  • mrsmoore
    15 years ago

    Edward Cullens?!?! A dream....

    Don't know about the older croud in here, but those kind of guys only exist in my fairytales. I wish there were a guy out there we could be honest to God, immediately know was the one for us.... doesn't happen though. Life isn't what we make it, but how we act upom what is given to us.

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    Yeah i dont get why everyone fawns over edward. im sure there are plenty of girls out there who would want to slap me for saying this but, not only does edward not exist, but guys like him don't exist, either. plus, those books sucked. just my opinion.
    wii. everything. lets play now lol

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    I bring... WEED!

  • Always and Never
    15 years ago

    Oooohhh, you bring that and ill bring the munchies.

    who is Edward Cullins or whatever?

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    Aha! you dont even know who edward cullin is! good girl, good girl. hes an asshole nonexistant vampire that every girl at my highschool is obsessed with. but i killed him. the end.

  • Travis
    15 years ago

    BAM!! Im Baaak!!!

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    Sparklie vampires make me angry
    "This is the skin of a killer."
    Dude, get over yourself. You're sparkling.
    You could be like "these are the eyebrows of a vampire" or "bewere my shins, they're murderous!"

    Full credit of that goes to my friend who was going on about it...
    If you like Twlight, that's cool, but.. Blah!

    And yes, BRING MUNCHIES! Preferably Gushers, oreos, Kool Aid, noodles, and peach juice.

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    Lmao i know right? sparklie death. sparklie sex. sparklie sparkles.
    "bella..i have something to tell you..i..."
    "what is it, edward?"
    "I sparkle"
    "oh edward, no! how could you?!"
    *edward sparkles* "i can't help what i am!"

    stephanie meyers or w.e is a terrible writer. who makes a villan sparkle?? thats like giving hitler a unicorn. no one would take him seriously.
    im going to bring a dead vampire lol

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Oh that's so sad. :(

    i'm a fan of Vampires. Especially the Cullen type... sigh. can't win em all I suppose. I don't hold it against it anyone to hate the books. I just dont' agree...

    But on another note. I'm bringing homemade goodies to the room. :D

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    I dont hold it against anyone for liking it either. but i have a big mouth sometimes lol so i apologize if i ever offend anyone.

    lifesize gummybears. yes.

  • Holly
    15 years ago

    Can I bring my kids?

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    Music and chocolate =)

  • Always and Never
    15 years ago

    Oooohhh... and sour patch kids, and popsicles... and snackie cakes and cheesy poofs... Yay!!! I'm allergic to mangos... ewww

  • Erica
    15 years ago

    Allergic to mangos?...pfffft. fail.

  • Not Enough
    15 years ago

    I am bringing a purple jell belly, but I'm not telling you what flavor and I'm only going to split it once in half. who's sharing with me?

  • Always and Never
    15 years ago

    Me me me,*waveshand histarically*

    sharing is caring