Steven Topaz
16 years ago
Every nature poem i've read bores me, everything is about beauty, not all nature is beautiful, show me something about nature that is strong and powerful , if i like it ill comment it but if i dont youll know :) and if you think you have a poem about nature that is good enough but its about beauty feel free to leave it, like i said proove me wrong. |
Poet on the Piano
16 years ago
You can check out some of my latest nature poems like Cherry Blossoms~Haiku or A Storm Is Brewing~Haiku whichever one you wish. |
Steven Topaz
16 years ago
Nope didnt like ethier of those, ive seen one good poem about nature and it was about a herd of wild stallion, i forgot who wrote it but thats the only one to date ive liked, and p.s. no haikus please, they dont paint a picture in my mind they form more of lines. |
Hidden Feelings within these Words
16 years ago
Hmm, I have one called "The Mockery Of The Stars" it's not under Nature, but it's about nature. It's actually under dark poetry. Anyway, you may or may not like it. Just thought I'd let you know. |
Dark Secrets
15 years ago
Although I'm a big lover of nature I don't have any poems about nature, I sorta imply on it in my poems, mostly scientificly (u can tell, I love bio), I guess my poem "The sacrifice of a star" is the only one I've got that's about nature. |
15 years ago
Got one about HUMAN nature - which is the ugliest side of nature. |
Italian Stallion
15 years ago
Here are two of my newest writes which just so happen to be about nature.... |
The Prince
15 years ago
Check out Harmony; flawed |
Maegan Bravo
15 years ago
I just wrote a new one, Beautiful Disaster. I completely freehanded it, so feel free to comment. :] |
Indian Comma Bean
15 years ago
Just three I know of off the top of my head, two of which aren't about beauty. |
Pink Butterfly
15 years ago
There is no such boring poems wheather it's about nature or something. Having nature as a topic to a poem is great and not boring. Nature has a beauty that never fades, as well as poems constructed from it..... Just an opinion from me..... |