You know what.

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    16 years ago

    I relised
    no one actually cares.

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    16 years ago

    Why is it a complete stranger cares.
    but none of my friends do
    they are completely sick of me..

  • Freckles
    16 years ago

    I have no friends.
    I HAD my bf.
    He left too.

  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    That's what nearly what everyone says in a sad situation like that, the most important thing is you care... you have too, because I said so, and that means I care and so does everyone else who posted here. In real life we tend to ignore and act like we don't care because we are afraid of our feelings and consequences if we said them out loud and sometimes we feel like if we did we'd be hurting the other person by the truth, sometimes we just feel like the person needs space instead of someone whispering words that may not cheer the person up.... there are many around you who love you and care about you, don't give up just yet.

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    16 years ago

    Sory, im slow to reply i live in australia lol.

    yer i hear what your all saying,
    but what i dont understand, is these days,
    people go through depression, and there friends dont care, they get sick of being there, im one of those people who are always there, so i cant understand, why someone, would leave someone hurting, its just not right. ever thought one day, you may wake up and a friend might no longer wont be there,
    this is an exzample.
    what about the times i wanna die, and consider ending it, and i call a friend and they dont answer, cause there sick of hearing it, and what if they wake up tomorrow and im gone, waht then aye.

    "we are born alone, we live alone, we die alone, only throught love and friendship, do we create an illousion that we are not alone"

    sad thing is, i believe thats true.

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    16 years ago

    I know
    they dont think bout anyone but themselves.

    do you have msn?

  • TheRevelation
    16 years ago

    ^^^Think about this.

    If you do not care about yourself, if you think ending your life is the best thing to happen, then no one can really convince you otherwise because we would have to tell you what you want to hear.

    Wouldn't you rather want the truth? Killing yourself does nothing, but give you a striking pain and guilt before you die.

    Treasure your life, treasure everything about you, once you can love yourself others can love who you have become.

    And...there is always one person who cares, always, and that is yourself. If you did not care about yourself, you would be gone by now, and luckily you care enough that you aren't because that would very much be tragic.

    Your friends don't seem very friendly, let a stranger help you, it usually helps to vent about everything.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    16 years ago

    Speaking as someone who suffers with severe depression and someone who also has friends with the same affliction, there comes a point where you just realize you can only do so much. If your friends are listening to you rant for a year about the same problem and you do nothing to help yourself, at some point, yes, people are going to stop listening. I have been on the giving and receiving end of this. Does that mean they don't care about you? No. It means that you need to start caring about you and bring them back into the fold. If it is people who never want to hear you, help you or be there for you then they are not your friends. It helps to distinguish between the 2 scenarios before you go saying no one cares.

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Blah i know ppl care about me but i still feel like i dont have any one..

    Well i have my mom : )
    But a bf who is awsome nope
    And friends who are awsome nope


    Im sure ur parents care and i care. : )
    even thought im a random person
    that you have never met.. strange no?

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "See this is actually one of the biggest hurdles in depression, before you can say "no one cares" you must look in the mirror, if the statement still lies true, then who is really at fault."

    ^ I couldn't agree more & couldn't have said it better myself.

    "I relised no one actually cares."

    ^ Do YOU care? If you do, that's the only thing & most important thing that matters. If you don't, then how can you expect anyone else to care when you don't.

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    15 years ago

    Think about it though
    yes some people care,
    but some people
    just dont
    and it doesnt matter how many hours
    you spend being there for them

    this is something a friend said to me
    as to why she doesnt treat me as good as her other friends doesnt talk to me as muhc

    " i just cant let you bring me down ur always sad"
    what kind of friend is that honestly.!

  • Aimz
    15 years ago

    People who go around telling each other that they want to commit suicide are always those who don't do it.
    In my experience it's simple attention seeking. They may well feel incredibly low and even attempt to kill themselves, but in the end they don't tend to actually suceed because they don't really want to. They are simply screaming for help.
    If a friend hears it over and over, perhaps they come to the decision that whatever they say or do, you will still try it again.

    If that''s how you really feel then you need to see a councillor or therapist rather than leaning on your friends who obviously cannot handle the strain of your depression.

    It is not fair to put the pressure on them to hold you up. You need to learn to hold yourself up.

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "Think about it though"

    ^ Think about what? What's there to think about? You keep playing the broken the record. You seem to be ignoring the one &, possibly, only best piece of advice that has been given to you like the plague. You're so concerned about whether or not other people care about you that you forget to ask yourself whether or not YOU care about yourself.

    "as to why she doesnt treat me as good as her other friends doesnt talk to me as muhc ' i just cant let you bring me down ur always sad' "

    ^ Obviously, by your use of "as much" and "always sad", it seems that she has tried to be there for you &, obviously, when she was it hadn't made a difference. You're, honestly, blaming her?

    "It is not fair to put the pressure on them to hold you up. You need to learn to hold yourself up."

    ^ *clapping* That is the second absolute best piece of advice that has been said as of yet.

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    "See this is actually one of the biggest hurdles in depression, before you can say "no one cares" you must look in the mirror, if the statement still lies true, then who is really at fault."

    ^^ I swear he read my mind and put it ingeniously.

    If you're to the point where you don't want to save yourself, how can you expect anyone else to do it for you?

    Maybe thats a little harsh, but its true. You are your own greatest source of support. It doesn't matter how many friends you have around you or how strong your relationships are, once you give up on yourself its all over.

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    Trust me everyone cares you are just to blind to see it

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    15 years ago

    I always care about people if they care about me