Did you ever?

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    15 years ago

    Lol, not really..i went on one of those rock climbing walls though =p

    have you ever danced around in the middle of a busy area [not a dance lol]?

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Of yes. In Hollywood I do that a lot... or in stores or the mall... or actually, whenever I feel like it, which is rather often.

    Have you ever played games in the car?
    (recomendation: this is a game my friend and I made up (we like to think we made it up though I'm sure others have played it before.) We play it whenever we go anywhere... It works best at stop lights. You look out your window intently at the person next to you until they look over at you. You roll down your window as if to ask them a question and when they start to roll their window down, roll yours up, while keeping a straight face. They will start to roll their's up and when they are almost at the top, roll yours down again. Keep doing this until the light turns or they stop playing. It's soooooooo fun... but the key is to keep a straight face.)

  • Always and Never
    15 years ago

    Yes, when i was rolling on E. lol. it was awesome

    have you ever done an illegal drug?

  • Freckles
    15 years ago

    Did you ever cheat on your bf/gf?

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Nope, I never cheat!

    Did you ever throw up on someone?

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    No. Not that I know of. I haven't thrown up since I was four.

    Did you ever trip over air?

  • StopTheMadness
    15 years ago

    YES bloody scarey bit me too!!! AHHHH

    ever go roud a shopping center droping small items in eople trollys?

  • Always and Never
    15 years ago

    Yes, lol. funny stuff

    did you ever lose your self control?

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Yes but not to a serious extent. I've never lost my self control to the point where all morals fly out the door. I keep my wits about me usually.

    Did you ever crowd surf? (recomendation, don't do it in a skirt. People are disgusting... *shudders*)

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Lol No but I so want 2. ^.^

    Have u ever punch some1 in the face bcuz u didn't like something that they said? (lol I did)

  • mandy
    15 years ago

    Absolutely not. Though I've been tempted many times, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

    Have you ever scratched your bum when you thought no one was looking?

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Lol Yup, but it didn't embarrass me. Every1 does it lol

    Ever had a wedgie and u tried 2 take it out and then u realize some was looking? (That happened 2 me, and this really cute girl was looking. I was SOO embarrassed. lol O.O)

  • Mr Anonymous
    15 years ago

    Absolutely not. Though I've been tempted many times, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

    If cheese gets it picture taken, what does it say?

  • mandy
    15 years ago

    I love that! Totally funny. It would say "cheddar", hehe (get it?) but that's not a "did you ever", haha.

    Have you ever scratched your frontal area when you thought no one was looking ;)

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Lol Ok, I can honestly say no lol

    Have u ever been tempted 2? (If so, go get get checked 2 see if u have a STD) lol

  • mandy
    15 years ago

    Oh my. No, no.

    Have you ever told someone you liked them just to see if they liked you, but you didn't like them anyway?

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    No, never.

    Have you ever contemplated the complexity of a positronic brain?

  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    Erm... no lol.

    Did you ever try to eat snow when you were little? :P

  • Mr Anonymous
    15 years ago

    No, but i once ran through a wardrobe to find narnia.

    Have you ever used someone to make someone else jealous?

  • mandy
    15 years ago

    Yeah, and it worked. But the person was in on it.

    Have you ever pressured someone into something they didn't want to do?

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Yes, but I think they would have done it anyway.

    Have you ever eaten inedible food? Ignore the paradox in that sentence.

  • StopTheMadness
    15 years ago

    Uh no O.o

    have you ever jumped off a bridge like for fun?

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    No but I want 2. lol I know that sounds weird but I really do want 2.

    Have u ever ran in2 a door or wall? O.o

  • mandy
    15 years ago

    Yes, it was dark and it looked like the door was open.

    Have you ever really liked someone and wanted to say that you did, but were to scared to be rejected? And if so, do you still regret it to this very day?

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Lol Yes I've been there, and I guess that 2 a point I regret it, only bcuz I wanted 2 see how it would have turned out. lol Other than that, nope I don't regret it, I don't really care enough 2. lol

    Did u ever trip over a tire in front of some1 that u liked a lot? (my ex did 4 me. lol It was so cute ^-^)

  • StopTheMadness
    15 years ago

    A tire no

    my own feet yer lol

    did you ever go for a walk and get lost?

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    No, never had a reason to do so.

    Ever screamed watching a film?

  • Allie
    15 years ago

    Into a pillow....but that was only once!! :P

    ever fallen for a best guy friend that has a girlfriend already?

  • veeda
    15 years ago

    Yup. what a mistake that was.

    have you?

  • StopTheMadness
    15 years ago


    have you ever snuck out threw your bed room window ???

  • veeda
    15 years ago

    Yes! omg amazing times. :]

    have you ever tried alcohol?

  • StopTheMadness
    15 years ago

    Hell yer lol

    have you??

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    I drank the day before yesterday.

    Ever deliberately knocked yourself out?

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    Haha yeah..
    I bang my head on the wall... >.<

    Ever let someone else take the heat for something you did?

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Yep. Three of my best friends were in tears as a result. Worst, they all blamed each other and not me...

    Ever realised how much you missed?

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Depends on what u mean. Missed what or who?

    Ever got drunk?

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Oh yeah, right now

    Ever hitch-hiked?

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Psh. no. I leave before that can happen. I'm not much of a party girl.

    Have you ever touched a dead body?

  • ether
    15 years ago


    Ever liked someone 5 years or more older/younger than you?

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Older. always older. I LOVE older guys... younger guys, ugh I can't like anyone younger than me. It's just too creepy.

    Over 18 or 'legal' age?