16 years ago
My name is Krista and I'm 15. |
16 years ago
What do you mean by "numerous self tests"; as in something you've found on the internet (like those free personality tests) & that you conducted this analysis yourself? |
16 years ago
Okay. Well, just because you can't drive yet doesn't mean you can't see a doctor. If you feel up to it you can tell your parents about what you believe & get them to take you to the doctor, if you aren't up to telling them just say you're sick & want to see the doctor alone but need them to drive, or you can just call the doctors office to ask to talk to the doctor about it over the phone. |
16 years ago
There isn't going to be a simpler way. Their reaction is going to be just the same. Just tell them that you need to talk with them about something that's been on your mind. Then, go from there. It'd be best to just be honest; get it out of your system & in the open. Your parents will be able to help you, they will be able to get you to see a doctor; a professional, who can answer all your questions. |
16 years ago
Yes, I get what you're saying. It may or may not be accurate, I don't honestly know & couldn't possibly tell you. But, like I said, I wouldn't trust what the internet, says; I'd want to hear it myself from a doctor him/herself. It's most assuring that way, I figure. |
Michael D Nalley
16 years ago
I agree with the advice so far You should keep in mind that a disorder is not a choice you made. So denying or hiding your symptoms won't help. What I guess I want to say is that your fear is probably not based in reality that your parents are going to have an angxiety acttack unless they have a chemical imbalance. Rather than forming your conclussion I agree you should tell them how you feel before you label yourself. Would you be afraid if you suspected you have a physical disorder? |
16 years ago
"my parents actually asked me over Christmas if I was depressed and on impulse I said no. |
Michael D Nalley
16 years ago
Everybody has a different opinion on the difference between normal mood swings and clinical depression. I don't think it was even a white lie. DENIAL is when you don't even notice you are lying But even if you thought you were you was not |
15 years ago
Oh wow that guy was kinda a jerk.. i know you want this thread deleated but read this bf u do, dont take the tests you have taken as a say so. Rather judge your moods are you happy one minuite and sad the next? Do small things make you very angry? Do you have panic attacks ( rapid beeting of the heart, intense pain, palpatations, feeling helpless ect.) ? Do you find it hard to stop crying over something really small? or do you just cry randomly? If so dont feel alone in this. Defenatly tell your parents and they should stand by you and help you get the help you need. Remember their there to help you. I know , for me it was especally hard because my dad dosent beleave in mental symptoms ans so he beleaves that I should NOT be on any medicine what so ever. but you have to stay strong and you know whats right 4 u. |
15 years ago
As to that one guy... |