I'm in desperate need of a hug

  • heartbrokengrl
    15 years ago

    I need a hug, then a slap in the face and then another hug telling me i'll be ok. then maybe i'll learn to let go and not to fall for somone so easily

  • StandStill
    15 years ago

    *hugs you tight*
    It'll be okay, dear..don't know what happened..but it'll be okay. it always gets better.

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    Oh geeze ouch.. ittl b ok, theres alaways some1 else around the corner its true! but it sux waiting

  • heartbrokengrl
    15 years ago

    What happened is that i fell for someone way too fast, he did the same but six weeks after being together he decided he didn't like me or rather he never did and left me for another girl, it was too late for me because i had alreaady fallen and it was too late to get back up

  • heartbrokengrl
    15 years ago

    I only asked for a hug not a lecture, but thanx i guess

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    Love is a battlefield.

    Let your fights be valorous - all I have to say.

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    *lots of hugs*

    but trust me on this one.. it is going to take a long time to build up a wall and not let people in.. I've been there..

  • heartbrokengrl
    15 years ago

    Tanx everybody =) too bad i don't know people like you guys in the stupid little town i live in, no one cares about anyone else, just them selves

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "I only asked for a hug not a lecture, but thanx i guess"

    ^ It's the internet... To hug is impossible.

    Most of what Britt had said wasn't a lecture, she was merely relating & then giving you a few tips; pieces of advice.

    Just give it time; give yourself time, to heal. Better to have loved & lost then to never have loved at all, otherwise how would you learn or ever know. Someday, you will meet someone who would never do anything purposefully to hurt you in any way & then you will realize what real, true love is.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    Don't worry everything will be fine at the end, if it isn't, it's not the end :P


  • heartbrokengrl
    15 years ago

    Good point i hate the internet but you can't live without it lol, and because it was the internet it did kinda sound like a lecture sorry.

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Britt, we need to work on your people skills hun.

    *Hugs* .. I don't slap girls, so I'll skip to the next part.. *hugs*

    Hope you feel better.

  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    People skills lmao

    *hugs* No slaps :D

  • CanUKissAwayMyPain
    15 years ago

    *hugs u tight*

    like what all they say what doesnt kill you makes u stronger. i believe in that. even tho it's hard i still do. n u should too. love is pain.. n handling with ppl they care bout you.

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    15 years ago


    Anyways you get the point.

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    Pffft. *hugs tightly* No slapping. if we needed to slap the people who fall too fast....by god we would have a war going on. thats how you should know your never alone in that feeling.

  • Chris
    15 years ago

    -Le hug- Get used to it, it happens tons of times.

    XD The male population gets it also sadly. Get some ice cream, think about all the hot male actors, and go find someone better than that jerk! :D He obviously doesn't deserve your love, and nothing good will come out of moping around.


  • heartbrokengrl
    15 years ago

    Thanks to everyone really, your better than my friends they just roll their eyes and say get over it already! I'm way ahead of you on the ice cream, it does help =)