I Need Someone To Talk To.

  • Aimz
    15 years ago

    I can't give out too many details, but basically my boyfriend is now disabled. He has been in bad way for the last few weeks and I have tried my best to be supportive to him.
    The thing is, he wont let me help him. Today, he wont even speak to me on the phone. I sent him a text earlier and he just replied with ok. He even said he didn't want to talk to me today.
    I know he is going through hell but I can't understand why he wont let me in. I can't visit him as he is still in hospital and it's miles away, plus I have to be registered as a visitor. We have been together for three years in May and I don't know why he can't open up to me.
    I feel so low like I just want to cry but I know I need to be strong.
    Please someone help me. I have no idea what to do.

  • Roxy
    15 years ago

    Maybe you can't do anything.
    Maybe you should give him some space, you never know, he may need that the most right now. Time to think for himself.
    If he isn't open to you let him be. He just went through hell...Sometimes it takes a while for people to open up once something dramatic has happened. For example when my grandad died I wouldnt really talk to anyone about it or do anything. It takes times. Just let him be free to think.

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    I understand that you are hurt & confused by his response, or lack of it, to you but understand that it is not because of you. He'd been through a traumatic experience & is responding to the incident naturally. Just give it time; just give him time. Even if that means he needs that time to be spending it by himself. In his own time & in his own way, let him open up to you.

    Continue to be strong & continue to be supportive of him, that is the best thing & most important thing you could do. But, in the case he does need time to himself, instead be supportive of him in another way. Perhaps, when his family is going to visit him send with them or if you finally get to go yourself send him, flowers & write him a letter about how you feel about everything; about him. That way he can read it any time he wants & any time he's ready.

    I hope this helped; hope things'll get better; hope he'll be fine. Best wishes. *hug*

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    I'm here with you

  • Dark Secrets
    15 years ago

    He probably feels like he is useless and wants the best for you, right now he doesn't know what he's saying and doesn't mean it. He probably thinks you are staying with him out of simpathy and wants you to have fun and live life happily without having to worry about him.
    Try to understand things from his point of view and make it clear that you want him because you love him, but don't push it too far. Keep talking to him and make him know that you are always there for him, but still give him space to recover and feel strong again.