Trini - It's Curry Chicken!!!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    It is ! :)
    mm well good luck with them both!!
    you play any other sports or anything ?

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    I don't play anything else in a league.. Just for fun.
    I play hockey, but not ice hockey.. just on my blades outside with friends. (During the summer)
    I use to play golf with my dad as well. Uhh, that's about it. I play anything but basketball.

    Cricket, Tennis, Lacross, Volleyball.. as well but like I said, just for fun..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol ahh niice niice !
    im impresed LOL :P

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol, that doesn't mean anything! I'm not that good in them, I just know how to play them!..

    What about you ? Any other sports?

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Aha i was being a creeper as usuall..

    basketball, soccer, tennis, did track, attepmted badminton.

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol, I guess I did track as well..
    Long jump, High jump and 100 meters were my events.. and I did them in elementary school, and I was short back then.. and I was still better than most of the other kids!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol ahh! lol niicee :)
    i just did anything that involved running lol i can't jump even if my life depended on it.

  • Darien
    15 years ago


    I only have speed really, and that's the only reason I play soccer well, is because I run after the ball

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    You pretty much forward den right ?

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Well, normally I am, but since a lot of the guys on the team wanter to be forward, I'm stuck in midfield.. lol but I don't mind. Cuz I can run back to help the defence!

    Indoor soccer is fun, 5 plus a goalie!.. it's fast, like hockey, where you can change lines on the go!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol, you'd be helpin me den :)

    dont ask but indoor soccer is greek to me lol ! but yeh i heard it is funn.. i prefer it outsiide tho i like thr mudd lol a loser i no. ! :)

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol I use to like outdoor soccer, but it's kind of slow. I like watching soccer a lot, but I don't like to play outdoor as much as I use to. I'm addicted to indoor now.

    Defence huh?.. lol it's as tough as being a goalie!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol intesting...hows it slow ? i just dont like indoor to cuz a whats it called, im stuck in such a lil area lol...outside is outisde lol

    yeah i heard; but i like it coach always wants me playin foward but i dont like it lol ahah no jumpin tho ! ;p

    ahh niice pic lol :P

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Yeah, but it's too cold to play outside!!!.. Indoor is fast though, and it's crazy fun. You always get an intense game! Outdoor is just too big! and if you get tired, you can't sub off.. lol

    This is an old pic.. I'm trying to get new ones uploaded.. heh not working though.

    Forward is fun!.. I love scoring goals!.. heh, even though I only have 1 goal in 5 games.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Oh yeah there is still snow out lok yeah your right. But honestly I'd prefer basketball over both of em

    LOL i can't even get a pic on here there all wayy to big
    On yeh but I guess you'll do better Over time

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol.. well I play my part on the team.
    I'm not a fan of basketball, I don't like playing or watching.. same with American Football.

    Some of the pics I took with my phone, that one was taken by a friend.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Alrighty then...yeh I don't like American football either

    Lol yeh that's good... It's nice.
    Anyways good luck today, hope you have fun... :)

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol thanks! My game is at 11:35 tonight, so I have tons of time to warm up and practice and stuff. I'm at York right now. Just waiting for my class to start, which is in two hours.

    I like to get here early, so I can relax a bit and do some readings and come on the internet and chat! lol

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol so ealry if it starting in 2 hours ? wayy..
    lol NERD ;p

    we have 20 mintues silent readiing so i just readin a trini newspaper on the net

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol I'm not a nerd! Nerds are smart, I'm average.
    I use to be smart, back in the day. When I was living in Trinidad!.. but now I'm a slacker!! lol

    So whats new with Trinidad?.. more crimes I suppose..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol as you wishh.. : ) what made you a slacker all of a sudden lol

    yeahh more crimes as usuall...kidnappin... nothing new..

    there is sum rumour there kiddnappin kids, puttin em in ships and sending them to cuba.. meh they said its not true tho.. *shrugs*

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Ohhh.. I didn't hear that one!..

    I think it was the fact that everything was so easy. I just didn't bother learning anything new. When it finally caught up, I guess I was in the groove of not doing too much.. lol

    When did you come up to Canada? or were you born here?

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol ooh

    me naww i was born down here, but if you rreally look at it, i was like up there half the year and the other half here lol... && the first few months of my "life" was up there lol. weridd.. but no im canadian lol :)

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Ohhhh ok!.. My 20 year old sister was born here in Canada and only lived in Trinidad for about 6 years, but considers herself 100% Trinidad.. lol

    You have any other siblings?..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol sweet ;p naww i no im not 100% trini nn i dont mind admitin that lol

    meh yeh 18 year old bro waiit i think he's 17.. eh w/e lol but yeh he going university next year..

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol that's cool!.. which one is he gonna go to ?..

    well im gonna go start preping for my game tonight..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Uhm for sure he's going to go Ryerson, he already got in, but ermm he applied for waterloo and uft

    alriiight have funn nn good luck ! <3

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Wooo!!!! Just got back home!.. TIRED!!!

    We won 3-1!.. Still unbeaten!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol.. Yay !! Congratz! =]

    Ya'll unbeatable so far that's good

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    OMG, I feel asleep in school because I was so tired from soccer. I woke up 20minutes before my class, and had to run to the bathroom to wake myself up.

    Classes ended up being really short, and my tutorial ended up getting cancelled, so I went home and passed out!.. haha

    I tried to come on last night, but the site was down!

    So how are you??..and what's new with you?
    and where's Hari!?!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    LOL aww poor you :( <3

    LOL I walked barefeet all around school lol just to get to the caf I think ppl think I'm crazy now seein as my shoes were in my hands

    Lol atleast you got your sleep afteralL! :)

    Yeah I thought my computer was just trying to spite me lol

    Me nothing just came home changing going to play tennis now
    nooo clue I was wondeing that too.
    How are you?

    but damn the weather was greaT! =]

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    The weather is good! It's a nice day to go play tennis, a little gloomy but, still better than the beginning of the week. Hope it stays around this temparture for a while. I don't want to see anymore snow!

    I'm doing pretty good, I'm suppose to go to a club tonight. I HATE CLUBBING. My friends are making me go. I'm not into that sort of thing, for 1. I don't like dressing up, 2. I don't like the music, 3. It's not my kind of crowd, 4. I'm too broke to afford it! lol

    I'm good with drinking at a local pub and listening to a live band. I get to wear casual clothes, that's my ideal Saturday night.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Yeah it was cept it was really wet out so water got all over us... We really didn't learn to stop playing till we got mud water in our eyes and ears lol. Oh yeh I hope it won't snow again spring offically starts in two weeks

    Lol don't like dressin up , why ? Lol so are going to end up going ? How can they MAKE you go, there not like going to cone to your house and bust the door down . Lol

  • Aveena
    15 years ago


  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol, I ended up going. I had a good time. I just stayed away from the dance floor, and hung out with a friend of mine.. It wasn't that bad.
    Most clubs are really tight and there is no room to sit and talk, and the music is way too loud. This place was nice, but expensive.

    Blah, I'm glad I dont have school today

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Yeh I know. lol atleast you had a good time, that's really all that matters.

    lol lucky luckky you ! : )
    I prob dont have school on friday,not liekly tho so i might just make it a half day lol

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol, rightttt you have March Break coming up next week!!! That sounds exciting!.. since we were on strike for 2 months, York doesn't have any breaks until June.. *sigh*

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    My friend said that chicken curry is "so friggin right" and she's indian so she knows what shes takin about.. ( shetyped that out)

    lol yehh :)
    lol aww poor youu.**hugs** .. it cna't be that badd tho lol

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    To be honest, it's Curry Chicken!!! Lol

    and thanks for the *hugs* !!

    I'm in school right now, and I am starving!!! But I think I will wait around until a friend of mine comes down, so we can get lunch together!..

    Well, I have a paper due in a week's time. We haven't even talked about it at all. Everything is so crammed.

    Ah well, anyways, how's your day so far?

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    I thnk soo too, but that's her opinion lol... could be cuz she's from india they call it something else ? :S

    ahh my friends went out for pizza, so i hadda starve, cuz of the cheeze lol well i hope you had a good lunch atleastt... =]

    aw! good luck on that anyways lol :(
    well since we have march break next week they are givin us soo much hmwk, and test this week..

    my day was acually pretty good thanks, cept for the fact the school gave me a letter saying if i dont get twwo immunization shots during march break ill be suspened. lol how about you ?