Tel me why

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    15 years ago

    We always miss the people who hurt us the most?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    The more you care about someone, the more it hurts. For example a parent betrays you, hurts you, that's something you are probably going to carry with you, in some manner, for the rest of your life.

    Little teenage heart breaks and come and go friends, those hurts last only as long as you want them to.

  • Ash
    15 years ago

    Because deep inside we haven't accepted the reality of things that the person hurt us and in essence we feel the need not to harbour any bad feelings or resentment to the other person.

    But at the end of the day you just gotta learn how to let go and move on in life....

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    15 years ago

    I am looking for that same answer because I am missing someone who hurt me alot

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "Tel me why we always miss the people who hurt us the most?"

    ^ Because the it's the people we care about; who we love, who are the ones that hurt us the most.

  • Dark Secrets
    15 years ago

    Because you always wonder if they really didn't like you or if it was all an act, this way or the other, you would have liked a better relationship with that person. Plus memories triger something in our mind and whether they are good or bad we miss them, like me and my brothers, we fight a lot and we have arguments and sometimes say very hurtful things to eachother but in the end its all because we love eachother and when we part we miss those arguments.

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    15 years ago

    But if they hurt us that bad
    that we wanted to die
    i stil dont get why we wouldnt hate them
    instead of miss them
    but i get the whole memorys thing
    cause when you think back things
    start to hurt.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    "i stil dont get why we wouldnt hate them
    instead of miss them"

    Many of us have a tendency to hang on to what we imagine could have been or what was, instead of accepting what is. We hurt as long and as much as we want to.

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    The reason why we care most about the people who hurt us the most is because, quite simply, the more we care about someone, the more crap we're willing to put up with - so in retrospective, we end up taking more from them before saying we're done, and then it seems like they hurt us the most, and in fact, they did, but thats because we let them go that far.

  • uuhhmmss
    15 years ago

    I actually has the same question why do i have to miss someone who had hurt me...
    im having hard time understanding it but i guess that is how it is.. things sometimes are too way far and unexplainable

  • KarmaXXX
    15 years ago

    Sometimes it isnt that you want to hate them, its that youre incapable of hating them and you dont miss them you just want to know why they decided to hurt you. Why were you the one to get her heart broken?
    Everyone always wants to know why? and until you dont get an answer youll keep "missing" them and think about them.

  • BrokenVodkaBottle
    15 years ago

    I wish love had an on and off switch
    but then it just wouldnt be reality.

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    ^ That, as well as it wouldn't be love then.