Looking for a sad poem. (Suicide poem if i remember it...)

  • Henric
    19 years ago

    Can anyone help me?
    I am looking for a poem iI found sometime ago.

    It was fairly long and was told from a third party perspective, it started some thing like this:
    " Her mother walked in to her room locked around the room, nothing had changed there...slowly she turned and left" then it goes on and you find out that the perspective is that of a girl who has killed herself and the scene is from a gathering of her friends and family.

    I have spent hours looking for this one, and when i read it i forgot to add it as a favorite....

    Please help!
    It was one of the best one's i´ve read.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I dont know the one your talking about in particular but you can check out my two which sound kinda similar
    Don't Put A Headstone On My Grave


    Tomorrow May Be Too Late

    Also check out Thunderose (poet) she has a few kinda similar too I think :o)

  • Alysha
    19 years ago

    I think I saw that one on netpoets.com or some site like that!!...Go down the page everytime a new page pops up and look for a button to press that says Sadness and Depression or some stuff like that

  • Essence of Blight
    19 years ago

    Heh, I got a few suicide poems. Dunno if they meet your standards but you can check em out if ye want!. I hope you find the on you were lookin for!