Anyone ever..

  • Brytanee
    16 years ago

    Tried to commit suicide? I mean, really do it. I did lastnight. I cut, & I popped pills.. I did it this morning too, because I was so pissed that I was still alive. Nothing has ever been so bad. I've cut plenty of times before, but never have I tried to OD. I did, twice. & I'm still here. Although I don't understand why, there is a reason. People say I took the wrong pills, but I think, if it was meant to happen, it would've happened. Nothing to it.

    Ever tried? The told your parents? I did, this morning. I told my parents, showed them my arms. Everything. & now, everything is changing. I never spoke up, & I thought "better late then never" well, it's true.

    Don't ever think there is no one there for you. Don't ever question whether or not people care & wether or not they love you. The one person you want most, may not be there, but there are others behind you the whole way. Things don't always have to be bad. You can talk to anyone, about anything. A bestfriend; a teacher; a family member; your parents; brother, sister; even a stranger. We can all help in our own way. & sometimes, it's easier to talk to a stranger, then it is to someone close. Don't ever be afraid to turn to someone, & if you're like me, & you don't talk about your feelings, or show emotions, or signs, you could feel like you're yelling to several people, & it could feel like no one is listening. But go up to somone, & yell in their face. Whatever way you have to. Don't take your life over something that is not worth it.

    Things can get better. & even though I'm just learning, I see it already. There is always someone there for you. & I'm here, if anyone ever needs to talk, about anything. Don't be afraid to turn to someone for help, no matter how stubborn you are. I'm a great listener, & an ever better talker. My arms; my heart; my eyes; & my ears, are open for anyone of you, who needs someone.

  • Starlight
    16 years ago

    I put my brothers gun to my head two nights ago its pretty weird, I'm always talkative, people always tell me I'm a good friend i don't look depressed at all. i might be quiet some days and make an excuse of me not feeling well my parents are barely home. I refuse to ask for help. The only thing running through my head is the next generation i just want to see that person i loved the most again without being borthered. Right now just isn't the right time.

  • Italian Stallion
    16 years ago

    This is being locked...Please use the thread which is dedicated to this.