
  • Jackie Bilson
    19 years ago

    Some of my friends just went on an exchange to Tahiti and apparently a lot of things happend.

    My best friend told me that Tess (a friend of mine...someone I don't really like anymore, I'll explain later) was all over my other friend Doug. This wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't for the fact that Doug is dating mny other friend Charlotte. Charlotte was Tess's best friend in Jr. High. Apparently in Tahiti, Tess was hugging Doug and putting her arm around him. Oh yeah, and she also has a boyfriend of her own!

    Tess tried to steal my BF when I was away on holiay on freshman year and she tried to steal my best friend's BF while they were still dating and NOW Charlotte's going to get hurt and I KNOW it!

    Charlotte and I don't know each other very well and she still thinks Tess is a good friend. She knows how I don't like Tess so, if I tell her about Tahiti, she won't believe me. What should I do?

  • Ashes
    19 years ago

    Hmm, thats a toughy. Since you don't know Charlotte very well, that makes things worse. Personally, I'd want to know if I was being cheated on, problem is, she may not believe you. Hmm, personally, i would tell her, but I don't really know the people you're talking about.. so my opininon should be taken lightly... perhaps wait to see what others say..?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    The thing is Jacki, you didn't see it happen first hand, you just have the say so from another person. Not saying your best friend would lie to you, but the fact remains that you didn't see it happen. If you think you are good enough friends with Doug to approach him about the incident, that's what I would do. Find out exactly what happened. And then give HIM a chance to come clean with Charlotte.

    If he says it was nothing... (nothing happened or whatever happened was not as serious as your friend led you to believe) then I'd just forget about it and not even mention it to Charlotte.