Losing someone

  • uuhhmmss
    16 years ago

    I jsut receive a text msg saying that the newborn baby of a friend jsut died.
    my heart crashed... the baby is just 22 days old.. an angel an innocent one

  • SilentSuicide
    16 years ago

    I wonder why ud get a text about something like that....kinda sad....

    anyways; that is very tragic; a soul that never got to adapt to this world; but as we are all told; everythig happens for a reason. Now the child can never suffer; you have to llook at things like that. Its so sad that the baby was so young...i wonder what happend. but i hope all goes well for you...and espcially your friend! Stay strong<3

  • uuhhmmss
    16 years ago

    Thanx for the reply... yeah the family and some friends might not able to understand why the newborn baby has to depart the world earlier but i guess it has reason