Being alone

  • megan
    15 years ago

    Why do people have such a fear of being alone? Why does there HAVE to be someone? People put themselves through practically anything for it... I don't get it. Is it really worth it?

  • XxBrokenInsidexX
    15 years ago

    Some people cant take the thought of NEVER finding that someone to love or hold when they get old.
    I dont like being alone myself, just for fear Ill always be that way and as time goes by no one will want me..
    People just like having someone to fall back on, or having someone you can stay up all night with and talk about how special they feel when they are together..
    When i become single..i usually cope with the heart brake for months at a time then work into another longterm just because knowing you have someone to call your own (hopefully) is alot better than feeling like there is no one to call you early in the morning just to tell you the miss you or to call you beautiful when you know at that exact moment your eyes are red from sleep and your breath has that gross morning stinch...
    its just how it feels from being in a relationship to being alone.

  • Kuro
    15 years ago

    Because loneliness is one of the worst emotions to go through, and people will do almost anything to drown it out.

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    I love it, not all the time but when you are going through hard times you need to think alot and concentrate on things you need done.

  • sliim
    15 years ago

    I enjoy & love being single & have been for 2 years now. The first year it wasn't easy I had to get use to the feeling & at the same get over mah ex of a year.
    I had to keep mah self busy & have mah mind else were, now that I've gotten use to it I don't reallt care or think about it. When its mah time to find that special one to love it will happen I m just gonna let love find me & when it does I will be happy & cherish every moment of it.

  • Taylor
    15 years ago

    I think people just don't want to be alone and feel like no one loves them..
    i know i have been like that before i'm single for so long that i go looking for love...and it never works out. People just need to let love find them