Has Anyone Noticed How Depressed You Were Today?

  • Joy
    15 years ago

    Im so depressed, i need some type of medication..
    nobody notices how i stay in bed all day, how im always blowing my nose..but im never sick..how my smile isnt seen as often as it was in the past.
    Has anyone noticed How depressed you were today?
    Does anyone ever notice..?
    Should I tell someone, or keep it to myself.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Hey girl,
    I used to notice all the time. I'm happy now because I told my parents and I got the help I needed. So I would say try to tell someone you trust before your feeling of depression get worse and could possibly lead to a suicide attempt. Please tell someone. NEVER keep it to yourself. You are important too, and the fact that you notice how depressed you are is a big sign that you need help.
    I wish you luck and hope that things get better for you. XoXo katie

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Talk to your doctor, she will help with the meds - maybe give you a reffer to a shrink, which will help in the long run.

    talk to a trusting friend and tell your family.they keep you strong.

    took me years to tell my family that i was on meds, saw a shrink and cut..all of which they already knew - they were just waiting for me to got o them. trust me, dont keep it to yourself - it kills you slowly, you die inside...its hard to get back life when you think you cant feel anything, when your numb to emotions.

    talking about it is the best effective way to get all the badness out of ya mind and body.

    peace & love

  • bequi
    15 years ago

    No one reallynotice if im depress.. sad lonely.. angry. and that hurts too..

  • Nanita
    15 years ago

    Same here. No one ever notices because I always wear a smile on my face, just so people won't ask what's wrong with me.

    15 years ago

    You shouldn't wait for people to notice.

    If you know you have a problem with depression try confide in someone before its too late. Waiting for them to notice may be the downfall. Maybe they have and haven't said anything out of fear its true.

    Depression is serious, and if you feel you are actually mentally unwell don't wait to be told so. Help is everywhere.

  • Mimi Angel
    15 years ago

    I think depression is really a problem which should be taken seriously.

    Try to pull your heart out,talk to someone you trust,you have to figure out the causes of your depression and try to find solutions.

    For me,no one notices that I'm a bit depressed and sad,because I'm donig my best to hide everything.

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    I guess that we all get depressed at times.. I have been really depressed once but now i realize that it is actually the best thing that ever happened to me, because i grew so much stronger after i pulled myself out of the depression, it is not an easy thing to do, it takes looooong time but it will get better i promise.. if you think that you need mediction and help than go to the hospital and get some, that is nothing to be ashamed of..
    and as for your question if anyone notices.. well, i can tell you from experience that everyone notces they are just too busy with their own either perfect lives or their battles that they choose to look away..

  • Joy
    15 years ago

    I was definitely not looking for attention, in any way shape or form.
    i just always felt worse when people would walk right by, and not notice.
    thats something i always added to my list of depressing things.
    how people didnt care enough to notice.