15 years ago
Im so depressed, i need some type of medication.. |
15 years ago
Hey girl, |
Love Panda
15 years ago
Talk to your doctor, she will help with the meds - maybe give you a reffer to a shrink, which will help in the long run. |
15 years ago
You shouldn't wait for people to notice. |
Mimi Angel
15 years ago
I think depression is really a problem which should be taken seriously. |
15 years ago
I guess that we all get depressed at times.. I have been really depressed once but now i realize that it is actually the best thing that ever happened to me, because i grew so much stronger after i pulled myself out of the depression, it is not an easy thing to do, it takes looooong time but it will get better i promise.. if you think that you need mediction and help than go to the hospital and get some, that is nothing to be ashamed of.. |