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sliim 15 years ago
Save me pls ineed of some new friends.= )..I'm a great listner &a do mah best to give good helpful advice
Aveena 15 years ago
Hehe =]
=0) wat chu doin new buddie
N2m Chilln nnu ?
Listen to mah ipod
Niice :) ... Wa song ?
Its ok,but just this once by gym class heroes
Oohk ... Lol I have a rel headache right now my mum wuldnt let me take anymore tylenol for the week tho LOL ;(
Lol awww that sucks I hate having headaches I don't like to taking pills
Lol I guess no one really does but like it helps but she said it will hurt me soon of later ;p
You play any sports or anything ?
No I'm into sports the only sport I play is walking lol..wat about you
Lol sports ... Soccer ... basketball... Tennis
Lol oook nice I use run track a couple of years back
Ahh nice .. :)
Yea I don't do much now getti.n stuff ready college
Ooh sweet sryy lol I went to bed !
Lol its ok