
  • Broken Masquerade
    15 years ago

    How can people do it?
    Have total disregard for all the pain they're causing someone.
    Just for a tiny bit of their own twisted personal pleasure.
    I'm freaking over it.
    The selfishness, and the indescribable brokenness caused by it.
    There's something seriously wrong...
    And I'm tired of sitting back and watching all this stuff happen
    To people who never did anything but cared,
    They're the ones who always get hurt.

    And you know the worst part about it all..
    No one really cares these days.
    There may be a few.
    But I have seen soo many people bring down others who have been through so much.
    Even blaming them for stuff that's happened
    Then there's others who have constantly promised they'd be there for these people.
    Then they've just left and pretended as if they never existed.
    Seriously, I just don't see how people can do it...hurt a person so bad..
    A person they know has already been completely destroyed..
    Do they not feel any guilt at all?

    And ughhh I'm so sick of people going... well God cares, he loves every one of them.
    He will always care.
    But far out, if he "cared and loved" these people so much.
    He'd stop this hideous stuff happening.
    You don't let someone you love live in constant pain
    If you have the power to stop it all.

    Sorry, I'm just in a really bad mood at the moment.
    And some stuff happened that's made me reallyy mad..
    I think I just needed to vent abit haha

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    15 years ago

    I'm not sure pity is inherent in human nature. It is something that should naturally develop at a very young age, but if anything should interrupt this growth process during this crucial time, usually something as simple as not being held enough, or too much, negligence or abuse, can slow the person's development considerably. Maturity is required to really think of others as well as oneself. And no one is born mature. Some people are just really good at faking it.

  • Broken Masquerade
    15 years ago

    I know what you both mean...
    it just frustrates me soo much...
    like my friend got raped at this party right..
    and she was telling a few of us in the group,
    like bawling her eyes out..
    and you know what they said.
    "it's her fault for putting herself in that position" etc etc
    then they spread it and everyones calling her a slut..
    like what the helll?
    ughhh i just really don't understand...

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago

    "Some people were not meant to be human."



    His theories are so sex-obsessed although I do enjoy reading about them. I personally think his take on depression is spot on: we will always harbour negative feelings towards those we love most, and when we lose loved ones, these feelings are turned on ourselves.

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    Without selfish people in the world, what would make the SELFLESS individuals so special?

    Its all about balance and order. What the meaning of good without evil around?

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    ^^ It's a really hard concept for people to grasp, but I agree, you can't have one without the other.

    "And ughhh I'm so sick of people going... well God cares, he loves every one of them.
    He will always care.
    But far out, if he "cared and loved" these people so much.
    He'd stop this hideous stuff happening. "

    ^^ People blame God all the time, but not many people stop and thank God for all that has been good. People say "If God loved me, he wouldn't let bad things happen to me", and when bad things happen, they turn away. God doesn't have to prove anything to us, we should be proving ourselves to God. God gave us freewill, what people do with it, God cannot take back. Don't blame God, blame the people that do these 'hideous things'.

  • Broken Masquerade
    15 years ago

    Lethmelodis, I never thought of that, and I agree with you.. but it still doesn't excuse the way some people act.. if you know what I mean?

    And Darien I understand what you're saying with the whole freewill thing.. but like if God apparently has every single thing in our lives planned out, he knows exactly what we'll do and when.. I mean do we really have free will?

    I just don't even understand why he puts us here, with all the pain, suffering and heartache.. whats the point? Why put us through it if he knows exactly what we were going to do anyway... like if he loved us so much.. he wouldn't make us live through that..