Been on here since april of 2004 and no nobody

  • giggles
    15 years ago

    Thougth i would say hi and see how evebrody was. probably one of the oldest people in here but havent been on since the chatroom was taken away so come say hi to me and lets see how everbody is.

  • Italian Stallion
    15 years ago

    Hey, how you doing? Long time no speak - hope all is well. ;)

  • giggles
    15 years ago

    Been going well i remember you from way back in the day. you are a mod now congrats kid. well its good to hear from you keep in touch

  • Nee
    15 years ago

    I don't really remember you, but I've been here since 2004 as well.
    Nice to see old people still showing up :)

    15 years ago

    I've been here since 2005..but everyone I knew has left. :P
    It's like starting all over again.

  • Good Enough
    15 years ago

    I started in 2006 and i still really dont know anyone :((

  • Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden
    15 years ago

    I'm an 06 member as well and don't know many except those who are in the poetry club I'm in.

  • Captivat3d
    15 years ago

    I've been a member since 05 and still don't really know anyone here. I just come here to post quotes and I've just recently started posting on these discussions.

  • He is the Reason
    15 years ago

    Lol Wow, I feel like the baby now. Been here since '07 :P And yeah, it is a little odd how the older groups have left and you gotta meet new people all over again :P Used to know a whole bunch of people and I don't anymore lol

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago


  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    2005-03-12 tis the day i stumbled upon this site so you have a little bit over me but i am an older one as well rarely get on cause most of the people i use to converse with moved on without me to do bigger and better things but still come on every once in a while :D

    hello btw =P

  • Timothy r
    15 years ago

    Hi, I have been here since `o3, even though my bio has me listed in `o4, I know many on here, but haven`t had the pleasure of meeting you, Hello and welcome...5 years!

  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    Hey, I'm n 04 memeber as well. I've been here for sometime now. I've been on and off sort of deal. Family problems keep me away now.

    I know that there are a lot of people who know me(some for good and others for bad).

    Yeah, I remember the chat, it was kinda weird and odd all the comments I would get on that place. Like "Dark me! " and I really and truly just made me chringe some of the other stuff.

    Anyways, I talk too much.

    Good to see you here.

    15 years ago

    Yes Kilman, we moved on without you because you just don't keep promises. ;)


  • forevertobeart
    15 years ago

    I've been a member of P&Q since June of 2005, so its kind of like my 4-year anniversary. Haha Many of the people I knew are gone, I gave up for a while, deleted my old account but I missed it here so I made a new one. It's not the same, and no one knows me because of this new profile and I don't have my old name, but I still like a good deal of the people here. :)

  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    Hey now LisaX)~ just cause you asked for redbull and pie a few years back and i didn't come through with it doesn't mean i don't keep my end of most deals???


    15 years ago

    Hahaha. :D

    I don't even like redbull OR pie anymoooreee!

    What was your original name? (:

  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    what kind of person are you?!?!?!?

    redbull i can try and understand but ALL PIE!!??


    atleast i can assume you are all for "pistols for pandas"

    15 years ago

    I adore banoffee PIE?!
    Is that okaay?
    Will you accept me nooooow?

    Cannons for Cats MAYBE.
    But never the pandas. ;)

  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    But if we don't protect them they have to protect themselves so why not give them the means to do so?

    with a simple donation of $1 to the pfp foundation they will burn that in your face and laugh it off

    but with a $5 donation they will proceed to buying a box of cereal take the box tops to an elementery school disguised as a 3rd grader turning them into laptops for the school which will be snuck out of the back window and taken to a local pawn shop and traded for the required pistols to defend these beautiful creatures

    are you convinced?

    15 years ago


  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    Hmmm MISSY is it then

    why the sudden change of heart?

    15 years ago

    'Cos it sounds like a mission.
    And at first I thought you were planning a panda war..):

  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    No no no no nooooo

    :( i would never support a panda war

    but a panda uprise and preperation of civil liberty

    i will be behind that all the way

  • forevertobeart
    15 years ago

    Mooie Ogen

  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    Nego Eioom?

  • forevertobeart
    15 years ago

    Haha, my friend used to do that to me all the time.

    My name way back when was Mooie Ogen. ;)

  • David Paul
    15 years ago

    Tap dancin christ cakes

  • Beautifully Disfigured
    15 years ago

    Bonjour. Been here since 2006. Only really know a few people.

  • Baby Rainbow
    15 years ago

    Hello. :) xx

  • Jay Perry Jr
    15 years ago


  • Krista
    15 years ago

    I've been here since '06, but I didn't get really active till last year.

  • Indian Comma Bean
    15 years ago

    Been here since january of 04' but took a break and started a new account, everyone I knew has left the site, so it's rather empty in my inbox and news.

  • giggles
    14 years ago

    Wow look at everybody glad the oldies are still around and newbies we love you too. Glad that everybody seems to like the site

  • Karin Erlacher
    14 years ago

    Hello :) i started in 04. just tend to be an obseverver lol.

  • Ixora
    14 years ago

    I started jan 05 and i never even knew we had a discussion forum until like 3 years ago lol. Soo I dont know anyone but I've met a couple cool people that i talk to regularly.

    How are you and life?