15 years ago
It's pretty normal to go through something like that. It's called a meltdown. You have all these mixed emotions that you can't control, and you are scared the wrong ones are the strongest. All you need to do is find a way to distract yourself. Get out of the house and do something constructive, like sports, music or just some sort of volunteering. You can find a lot of motivation through those outlets. If you don't want to do that, then find something to do at home to distract yourself.. Painting, drawing.. etc |
15 years ago
Having many feelings all at once is just part of being a teenager and figuring yourself out. It takes time but also some thinking. Alone time is very valuable. You need to stop and think about the things happening in your life and how they affect you. Sometimes you'll find common threads that you maybe did not even realize before. It could also help to talk to someone you're close with because sometimes someone else points things out that you would not have thought of on your own. All in all though it's just a general stage of growing up that you have to pass through. |