Does anyone feel like...

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Everything is different now. Like everyone has changed. Nobody tells the truth anymore and no one really cares about anyone else. What happened? Its like all the things you should be missing just don't matter anymore.
    Does anyone else feel like you can't depend on anyone but yourself these days? I think maybe its supposed to be that way...

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    I think most of us feel that way, but i have also come ro realize that there are some people out there worth trusting.. and if you don't open your heart in fear of that it might be broken you will walk through life all alone =/

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Completly agree ^
    but if you have been burned once before in love, it is very hard to trust again, it takes time and many people dont have the patience.


  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Um excuse me but I never said everyone in the world sucks...I don't feel like I got burned at all. Why is everyone misinterpreting what I say?
    I'm not talking about love or relationships, I am very happy in love :) I meant friends you can't trust anymore.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Sorry...anger management issues :)
    I wasn't saying people don't care. I would never generalize like that! I was simply asking if anyone else felt the way I did. I don't think I have trust issues with friends, maybe I just have bad friends which is not my fault anyway so HA!

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago :) It's hard to find a good one. I say work with what you've got which is exactly what I'm doing. How the heck am I supposed to find a good friend? (I'm not complaining)

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Lol you're funny.

    Wow you remind me of myself. I feel the same way. I hate wanting to help but not being able to do anything. You know what's weird is my true friends are on here not in the flesh.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Lol jacey tan that's hawt Jk. weird...I used to have a friend like that but he stabbed me in the back and I still miss him. I hate when that happens. You would think adults would at least keep their promises. I think its easy to make friends here b/c you can hide behind your computer.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Yeah that's true I guess. Not lame true...I think.
    Yeah but when will that someone come along?
    I met this guy on here and we're kinda "cyber dating" but I don't know if he's for real or not.
    Are there perverts on this site? lol.
    Fake friends are better than no friends I guess is what I'm saying. You know I have three guys on here that want to kick you in the face for that other thread lol, but its cool.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Lol too many protective friend guy friends for me.
    I'd rather have one close girlfriend than all my guy friends put together.

    How can you tell who's a pervert? Is lying to you a clue?

    Oh me too, definitely believe that for sure. I thought I found him until yesterday. Back to square one I guess :( Relationships are harder than friendships. I have to master that first.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    He sent me a pic but that could be photoshopped or w/e. He's never made excuses for anything. He's so sweet always saying he wants to be with me and that he loves me and wants to kiss me.

    But he lied to me. He said that he no longer has contact with his ex and doesn't know if she's on this site. I did some research...turns out he's listed under her fave authors. Also I called him this cute nickname and he said I was the first to do that. Then I found out his ex used to call him that same name! He said it was special, that I made it up and it belonged to me wtf! Should I confront him?

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    But what if he breaks up with me??

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    That's true. Do you think people can fall in love online and then meet and get married?

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Good I think so too maybe he and I will pull through. I need advice with something else if you don't still think I'm an immature girl :)

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    What that's not funny! You're a jerk haha (that was a joke too) :)

    Ok I used to have a crush on this guy named Josh. He's at my school and I called him on the phone and he said he was sorry but he doesn't feel the same. Then his friend suddenly starts showing up everywhere I am...creepy right? He just stared at me all the time. I wanna ask Josh to talk to his friend but I don't know if that would be appropriate.
    What do you think?

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Why would Josh know why his friend is staring at me? Well I don't think it would be inappropriate but maybe a little awkward or something...Josh stares at me too, but I'm ok with that b/c I know him.
    His friend is just plain creepy. I wanted to confront his friend but for some reason he gives me heart palpitations. I think I'm afraid of him lol.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Talking to Josh gives me good butterflies lol.
    What if Josh agrees to talk to his friend, what will happen next time his friend sees me?

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    I hate confrontations :( I get scared really easily.
    I hope its the 2nd guess lol. I pray not the third!
    Talking to Josh is something I've never done in person. I only talked to him on the phone that one time and it was weird for awhile but after that it got better. We don't talk in person though. He gives me jitters which makes me feel like I'm cheating on my bf lol.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Good idea..what if he refuses to talk to his friend for me? I'm getting dizzy, so I gotta lay down mind if I pm later sometime? lol those last two words sound weird together...

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Lol me too. I spend all weekend with my "friends".
    Just trying to relax before I have to go to college in June.
    Thanks, Katie