Becoming invisable.

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Everybody that is in my life put me down in some way or another, friends, family, proffessionals.its like they dont care about me or they hate slowly becoming invisable to the world, my self asteem(SP)has gone to an alltime low and nobody in my life cares..

    im possitive they are all being like this because they dont know how to talk, relate to me anymore..its partially my fault for isolating myself so much, but i cant understand how not 1 person has turned and asked are you ok..surly they see my pain - i dont hide things that well!

    isnt it a parents duty to love there child unconditionally..? me and dad dont speak anymore - its like were empty vessels around each other and my mom always argues with me - or tries to start an argument with me, everything i do is wrong but everything my sister does is right! we could do the same thing and id get wrong, my sister could be causing trouble and id get wrong - im the youngest of my siblings - does anyone else have it this hard?
    my brother is never around - he is always getting into trouble, it just feels like everyone is taking there problems out on slowly getting weaker..even my shrink passed me to someone else - because im too far gone for her.pills and alcohol dont work for me, cutting sometimes works, but most of the time im thinking should i even be here..?

    anyone feel like me..?

  • Starlight
    15 years ago

    Wish i had friends, i wish i had a family. I never had a dad to speak too nor a mom, why are you so upset about talking to them?

    When you reach a certain age that's what tends to happen, people need room that's what they gave you, so now speak up. :]

  • Katlette
    15 years ago


    When you stop blaming them it will get easier.

    And when you say you are invisible, well you also say maybe that is your own fault for isolating yourself. Speak up and let them know how you feel. Stat talking to them more and maybe it will get easier.

    If you keep up with this sitting and willowing in pain and depression things will never get better. It's kind of like you are sitting there knowing you are depressed and you want attention.

    Sorry if I sound harsh but it helps some people.

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Thanx for the different views. a true awakening.
    i'll try and talk to them, there anything else i can do?


  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Try just talking first.And if that doesn't work than there are other things you can do. But they're your family right. Make them listen. Just know that when you finally speak up, sometimes emotions rise and you become angry. Think of what it is you want to say and have things to back yourself up. Don't let yourself be angry it doesn't help.

  • TheReasons
    15 years ago

    Perhapse people dont try to find out whats wrong because they dont know what to do or are afraid of messing up.

    your dad may not speak to you any more because hes afraid and doesnt know how to help you. your mom might be aruging because atleast through and arguement you are connected to her, she may be afraid of losing you.

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Well 1st off id like to say thank you, all of the advice given helped in someway.

    i made special time to speak with my parents together and apart to find out exactly whats on there mind. they are both scared for me..wanting to know why i am the way i am, do what i do and act the way i act.the way things are going in my life im not ready to let them in completly so i told them some small things that are close to my heart, worries and anxieties...ect. they seem cool with it and are giving me ample space in which to sort my life and mind out, but have also made it clear that if i need them, weather it be 3am and there both asleep i can talk to them. im still using a councilar{SP} and we have even thought about group sessions with my parents to get to the bottom of all there problems and hopefully come to a solution that suits all. my brother is still out of the picture but knows whats going on. we found out my sister works so much so that she doesnt have to be at home and be more depressed hanging around me and my mom who has serious anxiety problems. i think i have made good progress, now im just trying to build the bridges that got broken due to carelessness{SP} and im kinda half way full of hope, things are definatly looking up.

    btw, ive sorted the friends issue out also, all of my so called friends not willing to be there for me when i need a little reasurance are gone. i figuer if i fill my life with possitivityness then my mood will improve, so everyone who has put me down in the past and are unwilling to change are gone - woop woop! it made me realise that the friends i do still have are special, since they were just scared on how to handle things with me - bring up subjects with me. its all good now.



  • TwistedAngel xx
    15 years ago

    Glad to hear things are looking up for you. :)

    And like "That One Guy" said.

    Depression is a lame way to live.

    Be happy, live life to the full and have no regrets.


  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Oh i will always have regrets, but theres nothing i can do about i look to the future and not the past now, its easier that way if i dont want to be trpped in my own little bubble again.
