
  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    15 years ago

    I f you are reading this could you please pray or think about my friend Jordan. She was in a car accident and has broken her pelvis she was in icu but has thankfully come out of there. Her firend who was also in the crash died and her brother just got discharged from hospital yesterday.
    please pray for them!
    thank you sooo much!

  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    I don't believe in any Gods, but I will definately wish and hope for the best!

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    I really hope that they are ok. :) If you need someone to talk to you can message me. I know how hard it can be to have someone hurt like that trust me. My friend Chris was in a wreck and nobody thought he would live. It's was hard and put me back into a depression that i had just gotten out of. I only had one person I could talk to about it and that's because she was my best friend yet she didn't know him she was there.

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Just checking in to see how your friends are doing.

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    15 years ago

    thankyou all so much for everything. it is very much appreciated and the thoughts and prayers are really helping us all. Ummm yeah my friend is making good progress she sat up a bit today which was really good to see and she has surgery on monday and after that should be out of hospital on weds, all going well.
    but yeah her and her bro are coping well. Its their friends funeral tomorrow.
    thank you all sooo much!
    Please keep them in your prayers.
    God bless.

    15 years ago

    "I don't believe in any Gods"

    Good for you? I don't think she was asking for your personal view on her god. I'm sorry, but am I the only one who was a little offended by that?

    ^^^ I don't think I was 'offended' by it, really, but it wasn't necessary to say. :\

    -- Anywho, to the OP: I hope your friend continues to get better! :)

  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    Oh I am so sorry I have said that. But she did ask to pray for her. How do you pray when you don't have anything to pray to. I'm sorry that I was just trying to give some support. And how were you offended?

    But anyways I am so glad thats your friends getting better!!!!!!! I hope for the best!!

  • Jonathan
    15 years ago

    ^need anymore be said on that matter?

    I wish your friend the best.

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    15 years ago

    Thankyou all sooo much! her operation was sucessful =]
    which I am truly thankful for.

  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    woah caps. haha

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    I'm glad it went well. Any word on when your friends gets out of the hospital?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    "God if u pple are coming on here to... make drama (BREE) stop wasting my and other pples time.. GOD! btw there is a god !!! how the heck would u guys even know there WASNT!! have u seen him? no i diddnt think so... i dnt see u reaDin the BIBLE! stop offending ppple WHO ACTUALLY BELIEVE.. GOSH!!"

    ^Absolutely pointless post, Shelby said eventhough SHE doesn't believe in any Gods, she will keep them in her thoughts, I see nothing improper about that and BREE didn't say anything inappropriate either. Get off your pedestal.

    LiveLove, I hope your friends are recovering as best they can at such an awful time.

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    15 years ago

    Thanks everyone - no word yet but we are hoping she will be out on sunday, because she really wants to come on Retreat (I go to a Catholic school with her) as it is our last year at highschool.
    so i hope she can

    thanks soo much everyone =]

  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    You're welcome!!!

    (oh and guys thanks for sticking up for me. I really didn't know I was making a big problem out of it. And to that one girl totally dissing me...
    I have read the bible, and I did go to a Catholic school so I know everything that needs to be known. But I am still not persuaded.. If any of you have a big problem about this PM me. Instead of ruining this poor girls thread.!!!)

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "...But I am still not persuaded.. If any of you have a big problem about this PM me. Instead of ruining this poor girls thread.!!!)"

    ^ That, or just let it go; it's none of their business.

  • LiveLoveLearnDie
    15 years ago

    Well, my friend is home and walking on crutches- not very well though but practise makes perfect!
    I'm just glad she's finally home!
    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    You're Welcome! And I am very happy that your friend recovered. !!!!

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    It's great to hear for friends is back home. Tell her we all say get better fast! Lol

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    They will be in my prayers

  • TwistedAngel xx
    15 years ago

    They will be in my thoughts, hope everyone is doing well. :)