Just wanna cry...

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    My mom's b-day was this weekend and i was so happy to show her much i love her and that i don't feel adopted at all. She IS my mom. Well she barely spoke to me today and then when i aksed what's wrong she said nothing. she said it was the best day of her life. How could it be when I wasn't involved? she had fun with my father and my brother. sometimes i think i know why my sister ran away and never came back. i have never felt more unloved. its been 3 days now and she still won't look at me. i don't even know what i did.

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    In the past, and sometimes still, my mother acts that same way. It's sad.

    Just ask her again, until her answer isn't "nothing" anymore; until she finally tells you. She might explode on you, I know mine does, but at least then you'll get your answer and maybe then that could be the stepping stone for the two of you to start talking about it.

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    I just wanted to show her how glad i am she is my mother but i guess she doesn't care then. i want to talk with her. i try to but she doesn't seem interested. so i should just ask until she answers then?

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Grrrr...i will keep asking then. she was at work late last night so i made dinner for her and i set it out before i went to bed. this morning when i saw her she asked why i stayed up so late wtf?

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    It was very thoughtful of you to make dinner for her, I'm sure you would have appreciated a thank you rather then a questioning for your motive as to why.

    Your mom sounds very stubborn, just like my mother, lol. I know it's frustrating, believe me lol, but just remember to be the better person.

    Again, just try asking her what's wrong, point out her behavior towards you & let her know that it bothers you (that is if you already haven't).

  • Steady Stereotype
    15 years ago

    She's your adopted mother? That's pretty cool to begin with.

    And first, I know that you set up dinner for her in order to be compassionate, but I think that you shouldn't suddenly go overboard (Unless you do that on a regular basis) You never know what may be affecting her, or making her act the way she does, and perhaps I'm only thinking of this and imagining it as a world full of great people, but your mother may feel guilty about something towards YOU.

    So, of course ask your mother what is bothering her. Let her know you want an answer, even if she explodes on you, knowing is the first step to get through a rough patch. Make sure she knows that whatever it is, you want to hear it.

    Much Luck and Love ~Hana

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Keep trying. I know that's what everyone else is saying and you are doing but it'll get to her and she will talk. I know how badly it hurts when a parents stops talking to you.

    Have you tries to talk to you dad or your brother to see if they know anything. Or if maybe they can talk to her for you?

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Thanks for all the advice i appreciate it!
    i keep trying and her mood changes so quickly it confuses me. like one minute we are ok and the next she hates me. i love my dad he thinks my mom is psycho lol. he and i get along famously.
    my brother hates my mom so we don't talk about her much. i love her though, but she just doesn't know it i guess.

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Is she bi polar or something. Maybe that could be the cause...

  • ibelievedhim
    15 years ago

    Maybe...never thought of that.
    i don't know what her deal is, but i always forgive her.

  • Katlette
    15 years ago

    Forgiving her is good. but you still need to talk to her. Let her know how you feel. otherwise thing may stay like this and she can keep doing this and hurting you. If this be the case you may not be as close in the future...

    Talk to her...

  • Dark Savior
    15 years ago

    Perhaps you need to spell it out for her. I have to have things spelled out for me sometimes. It's from time to time that we actually have to have things spelled directly to us.

    I know I personally have had to have something spelled out for me. I know that there are times also I don't say what I actually mean. For example "is anything wrong?" angry tone" NO!" and of course that isn't the case, a lot can be said about a persons body language. Often times we say the most when we say nothing at all.

    I'm sure that she probably was just obviously to the fact. I know lots of times like you just described...I had to tell someone "i completely cleaning the kitchen...top to bottom..." and they just look at me "I don't drink beer...there was enough empties to pay for our rent..." then eventually I just told them..